27 June 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2339
SUPERNOVAE 2010en, 2010eo, 2010ep, 2010eq, 2010er, 2010es, AND 2010et
Further to CBET 2327, A. J. Drake, S. G. Djorgovski, A. Mahabal, M. J.
Grahamm and R. Williams, California Institute of Technology; J. L. Prieto,
Carnegie Observatories; M. Catelan, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile;
E. C. Beshore and S. M. Larson, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of
Arizona; and E. Christensen, Gemini Observatory, report the CRTS discovery of
several apparent supernovae in unfiltered Catalina Sky Survey (CSS) images:
SN 2010 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. Mag. Offset
2010en May 13.42 15 50 16.02 + 4 43 34.0 19.0 3".8 W, 3".1 S
2010eo May 21.28 13 50 45.79 +19 26 18.2 17.6 0".1 W, 1".2 N
2010ep May 25.37 16 01 08.91 +34 50 41.6 18.1 5".8 W, 5".1 N
2010eq May 31.31 15 34 47.41 + 2 05 49.7 17.6 2".4 W, 1".0 N
2010er June 9.33 15 50 11.14 +12 16 42.5 17.8 6".0 E, 0".3 S
2010es June 16.32 16 33 17.92 +11 45 04.9 18.8 0".9 E, 1".3 S
2010et June 16.40 17 16 54.08 +31 33 50.6 19.1 24".2 E, 70".3 S
Follow-up observations were taken with the Palomar 1.5-m telescope using Gunn
filters. Further magnitude estimates for 2010en: Apr. 9.43 UT, [20.0 (CSS);
May 27.36, r = 19.0 (Palomar); June 9.30, 19.5 (CSS); 16.28, 19.2 (CSS).
Further magnitude estimates for 2010eo: May 7.31, [18.4 (CSS); May 30.28, g
= 17.7, r = 17.5, i = 17.6 (Palomar); June 23.24, 17.9 (CSS). Further CSS
magnitude estimates for 2010ep: May 12.42, [20.0; June 18.34, 19.0. Further
magnitude CSS estimates for 2010eq: May 4.45, [19.0; June 9.24, 17.9; 17.25,
18.1. Further magnitude estimates for 2010er: May 16.39, [19.5 (CSS); May
23.25, 19.5: (CSS); June 2.32, 17.9 (CSS); June 15.42, g = 18.4, r = 18.4,
i = 18.8 (Palomar); June 17.28, 18.1 (CSS); June 21.25, 18.3 (CSS). Further
magnitude estimates for 2010es: June 2.36, [20.2 (CSS); June 9.34, 19.2
(CSS); June 21.20, 18.6 (CSS); June 24.39, g = 18.8, r = 18.9, i = 19.1
(Palomar). Further CSS magnitude estimates for 2010et: May 23.37, [20.2;
June 3.37, 19.6; 9.39, 19.0; 21.32, 19.4.
NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.
2010 June 27 (CBET 2339) Daniel W. E. Green