22 July 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2387
Further to CBET 2369, R. H. McNaught and G. Garradd, Australian National
University; A. J. Drake, S. G. Djorgovski, A. Mahabal, M. J. Graham, and R.
Williams, California Institute of Technology; J. L. Prieto, Carnegie
Observatories; M. Catelan, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile; E. C.
Beshore and S. M. Larson, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of
Arizona; and E. Christensen, Gemini Observatory, report the CRTS discovery
of an apparent supernova in unfiltered Siding Spring Survey (SSS) images:
SN 2010 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. Mag. Offset
2010go July 20.41 12 50 00.16 - 7 54 59.9 16.9 36".7 E, 10".7 S
Further magnitudes for 2010go: July 4.23 UT, [20.2 (Catalina Sky Survey);
July 22.38, 17.0 (SSS).
NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.
2010 July 22 (CBET 2387) Daniel W. E. Green