4 July 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2350SUPERNOVAE 2010ez-2010fu
P. Challis, R. J. Foley, and R. Chornock, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for
Astrophysics (CfA); M. Huber, Johns Hopkins University (JHU); A. Rest, G.
Narayan, E. Berger, R. P. Kirshner, A. M. Soderberg, and C. Stubbs, CfA; J.
Tonry, Institute for Astronomy (IfA), University of Hawaii; A. Riess, JHU; W.
M. Wood-Vasey, University of Pittsburgh; S. J. Smartt, Queens University,
Belfast; and P. A. Price, E. Magnier, K. Chambers, N. Kaiser, J. Morgan, W.
Burgett, J. Heasley, W. Sweeney, C. Waters, and H. Flewelling, IfA, report the
discovery and spectroscopic confirmation of 22 moderate-redshift supernovae
found in the Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep Survey. All spectra (range 344-866 nm)
were obtained using the Blue Channel spectrograph on the 6.5-m MMT between
June 16 and 18 UT. These observations are part of a large program for PS1
transients classification at the MMT. Below are tabulated the discovery data
(including magnitudes in bandpasses r and i), the spectral type, the redshift
(z), and the last three characters of the PS1 designation (which are all
prefixed by 'PS1-1000'). The spectroscopic identifications were performed by
cross-correlating with a library of supernova-spectra templates using the SNID
code of Blondin and Tonry (2007, Ap.J. 666, 1024). Redshifts were determined
from the host galaxies where possible (and then given to 0.001) or from SNID
(and then given to 0.01).
SN 2010 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. Mag. Type z PS1
2010ez May 10 12 17 50.298 +47 26 48.31 21.1r Ia 0.279 273
2010fa May 13 14 13 01.869 +54 27 46.62 21.9r Ia 0.373 279
2010fb May 31 16 08 18.404 +54 54 29.21 22.2r Ia 0.336 280
2010fc May 31 16 14 28.709 +54 43 33.00 22.5r Ia 0.233 269
2010fd June 1 14 07 14.931 +53 59 51.45 22.4i Ia 0.53 272
2010fe June 1 16 08 52.649 +55 00 17.44 22.4i Ia 0.43 271
2010ff June 3 14 09 19.942 +54 15 45.16 22.9r Ia 0.270 274
2010fg June 6 12 16 41.567 +46 41 23.94 22.8r Ia 0.241 275
2010fh June 6 14 17 18.587 +53 58 41.89 22.3r Ia 0.387 276
2010fi June 6 16 05 44.829 +56 04 27.90 22.1r Ia 0.331 290
2010fj June 6 16 06 48.803 +54 58 51.38 23.1r Ia 0.55 286
2010fk June 6 16 11 19.406 +53 38 14.98 22.1r IIb 0.14 285
2010fl June 6 16 13 48.216 +55 36 30.66 21.5r Ia 0.36 283
2010fm June 6 16 17 47.710 +55 18 08.25 21.6r Ia 0.36 282
2010fn June 6 16 18 15.870 +55 23 04.94 21.9r Ia 0.323 291
2010fo June 6 16 18 53.806 +55 46 58.50 22.0r Ia 0.347 289
2010fp June 15 12 14 06.501 +46 59 32.37 22.3r Ia 0.35 296
2010fq June 15 12 21 59.468 +45 50 49.95 22.5r Ia 0.379 295
2010fr June 15 14 11 57.763 +52 04 18.57 22.3r Ia 0.45 292
2010fs June 15 14 14 03.337 +53 21 43.84 22.3r Ia 0.441 298
2010ft June 15 16 01 15.408 +54 17 53.52 21.8r Ia 0.42 293
2010fu June 16 12 21 46.463 +46 39 13.28 22.6i Ia 0.459 277
The authors thank the PS1 and MMT telescope staffs for their assistance with
these observations. These discoveries were enabled using the PS1 System
operated by the PS1 Science Consortium (PS1SC) and its member institutions,
and made possible through the PS1 Builders (see the following website URL for
more information:
NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.
2010 July 4 (CBET 2350) Daniel W. E. Green