IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 10/2010

IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 10/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 07 дек 2010, 15:50

1 October 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2471


G. Pignata and M. Cifuentes, Universidad Andres Bello; J. Maza, M. Hamuy,
R. Antezana, L. Gonzalez, P. Gonzalez, S. Silva, G. Folatelli, R. Cartier, F.
Forster, and S. Marchi, Universidad de Chile; B. Conuel, Wesleyan University;
and D. Reichart, K. Ivarsen, J. Haislip, A. Crain, D. Foster, M. Nysewander,
and A. LaCluyze, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, on behalf of the
CHASE project, report the discovery of an apparent supernova at mag
approximately 13.3 on an unfiltered CCD image taken on Sept. 29.31 UT with the
0.41-m 'PROMPT 5' telescope located at Cerro Tololo. The new object, which is
also present in images taken on Sept. 16.38 (at mag approximately 12.8) and
Sept. 30.27 (mag approximately 13.5), is located at R.A. = 7h02m43s.63 +/-
0".1, Decl. = -28o37'25".2 +/- 0".1 (equinox 2000.0), which is about 42".5
east 265" north of center of the galaxy NGC 2325 (given the large distance
from the host, the membership is not completely secure). Nothing is visible
at this position on archival images taken on Feb. 23.07 (limiting mag 17.5)
and Jan. 14.18 (limiting mag 18.0).

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 October 1 (CBET 2471) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 10/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 07 дек 2010, 15:51

1 October 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2472

APPARENT NOVA IN M31: M31N 2010-09b

Koichi Nishiyama, Kurume, Japan; and Fujio Kabashima, Miyaki, Japan,
report their discovery of a possible nova (mag 17.3) in M31 on seven 40-s
unfiltered CCD frames (limiting magnitude 19.8) taken around Sept. 30.566 UT
using a Meade 200R 0.40-m f/9.8 reflector (+ SBIG STL1001E camera), as
tabulated below. An independent discovery has been reported by Guoyou Sun
(Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China) and Xing Gao (Urumqi, Xinjiang, China)
on 60-s unfiltered CCD survey images (limiting mag about 19) taken by Gao
in the course of the Xingming Observation Sky Survey at Mt. Nanshan around
Sept. 30.678 using a 35-cm Celestron C14 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope at
f/7.5 (the measurements tabulated below are by Sun), adding that nothing is
visible at the same position on images taken on Sept. 9, 10, 11, 15, and 29
(no limiting magnitude given). T. Yusa, Osaki, Japan, also reports his
confirmation of M31N 2010-09b on unfiltered CCD frames (limiting mag 18.2)
taken on Oct. 1.42, following a request from Kabashima and Nishiyama, using
a 0.30-m f/9.9 Cassegrain telescope (+ SBIG STL-1001E camera), with his
data also tabulated below; he has posted his image at the following website
URL: http://space.geocities.jp/yusastar77/PNinM31_101001.htm.
Wolfgang Pietsch, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik,
reports a pre-discovery observation from CCD images obtained with the
robotic 60-cm telescope of the Livermore Optical Transient Imaging System
(cf. CBET 2124), also tabulated below.

2010 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. Mag. Observers
Sept. 30.412 0 43 45.53 +41 07 54.7 17.7 Pietsch et al.
30.566 0 43 45.52 +41 07 54.9 17.3 Nishiyama, Kabashima
30.678 0 43 45.1 +41 07 54.4 17.8 Sun, Gao
Oct. 1.416 0 43 45.54 +41 07 55.0 16.9 Yusa

Nishiyama notes that M31N 2010-09b is located 690" east and 494" south of the
center of the galaxy M31. Additional magnitudes for M31N 2010-09b: 1986 Nov.
27, [18.9 (Digitized Sky Survey, red; via Nishiyama and Kabashima); 1993 Oct.
21, [18.4 (DSS, infrared; via Nishiyama and Kabashima); 2010 Sept. 21.570,
[19.2 (Nishiyama and Kabashima); 28.606, [19.2 (Nishiyama and Kabashima);
Oct. 1.516, 16.9 (Nishiyama and Kabashima); 1.564, 16.8 (Nishiyama and

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 October 1 (CBET 2472) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 10/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 07 дек 2010, 15:51

2 October 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2473

SUPERNOVAE 2010hz, 2010ic, AND 2010id

J. M. Silverman, S. B. Cenko, J. Choi, and A. V. Filippenko, University
of California, Berkeley, report that inspection of CCD spectra (range 340-980
nm), obtained on Oct. 1 UT with the 3-m Shane reflector (+ Kast) at Lick
Observatory, shows that 2010hz (CBET 2462) is a type-Ia supernova; after
removal of the host-galaxy recession velocity of 7300 km/s, determined from
narrow emission features, the absorption minimum of the Si II 635.5-nm line
is found to be blueshifted by about 11400 km/s. Cross-correlation with a
library of supernova spectra using the "SuperNova IDentification" code (SNID;
Blondin and Tonry 2007, Ap.J. 666, 1024) indicates that 2010hz is about one
week past maximum brightness. SN 2010ic (CBET 2465) is a type-II supernova
with well-developed Balmer lines having P-Cyg profiles; after removal of the
host-galaxy recession velocity of 4600 km/s, determined from narrow emission
features, the absorption minimum of the H-alpha line is found to be
blueshifted by about 9900 km/s. Silverman et al. also confirm the findings
of Kasliwal et al. (http://www.astronomerstelegram.org/?read=2862) that SN
2010id (CBET 2467), referred to by Kasliwal et al. as PTF10vdl, is a type-II
supernova at the same redshift as its host galaxy, NGC 7483. The emission
component of the H-alpha line substantially dominates over the absorption

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 October 2 (CBET 2473) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 10/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 07 дек 2010, 15:51

2 October 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2474

SUPERNOVA 2010ii IN NGC 7342

Further to CBET 2470, K. Lin, S. B. Cenko, W. Li, and A. V. Filippenko,
University of California, report the LOSS discovery of an apparent supernova
on unfiltered KAIT images:

SN 2010 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. Mag. Offset
2010ii Sept. 30.24 22 38 13.18 +35 29 30.0 18.0 0".2 E, 25".4 S

Nothing was visible at this position on a KAIT image taken on Sept. 27.30
UT (limiting mag 19.4).

J. M. Silverman, S. B. Cenko, J. Choi, and A. V. Filippenko, University
of California, Berkeley, report that inspection of CCD spectra (range 340-980
nm), obtained on Oct. 1 UT with the 3-m Shane reflector (+ Kast) at Lick
Observatory, shows that 2010ii is a type-Ia supernova; after removal of the
host-galaxy recession velocity of 8075 km/s (Wegner et al. 1993, A.J. 105,
1251), the absorption minimum of the Si II 635.5-nm line is found to be
blueshifted by about 15000 km/s. Cross-correlation with a library of
supernova spectra using the "SuperNova IDentification" code (SNID; Blondin
and Tonry 2007, Ap.J. 666, 1024) indicates that 2010ii is about one week
before maximum brightness.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 October 2 (CBET 2474) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 10/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 07 дек 2010, 15:51

2 October 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2475

SUPERNOVA 2010ih IN NGC 2325

N. Morrell, Las Campanas Observatory, Carnegie Supernova Project; and I.
Botti and P. Lopez, Universidad de Chile, report that they obtained a
spectrogram (range 364-920 nm) of 2010ih (cf. CBET 2471), which shows that
2010ih is a type-Ia supernova several days past maximum brightness. Cross-
correlation with a library of supernova spectra using the Supernova
Identification tool (SNID; Blondin and Tonry, 2007, Ap.J. 666, 1024) suggests
for 2010ih an age of 2-3 weeks after maximum light and a redshift of 0.006,
best matched to the spectrum of SN 1990N at 18 days past maximum. Morrell
adds that NGC2325 has a redshift of 0.007, so that the probability is
high that 2010ih is a part of that galaxy.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 October 2 (CBET 2475) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 10/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 07 дек 2010, 15:52

2 October 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2476


J. Vinko, University of Szeged; J. C. Wheeler and E. Chatzopoulos,
University of Texas; and G. H. Marion, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for
Astrophysics and University of Texas, report that a spectrogram, obtained on
Sept. 30.15 UT with the 9.2-m Hobby-Eberly Telescope (+ Marcario Low-
Resolution Spectrograph) by J. Caldwell, confirms the previous finding by
Cenko et al. (CBET 2461) that 2010hy is a type-Ic supernova. SNID (Blondin
and Tonry 2007, Ap.J. 666, 1024) indicates that the spectrum of 2010hy is
most similar to those of SN 2004aw within a few days of maximum light. The
features of Mg II at 448.1 nm, the Fe II "W" feature around 500 nm, and Si II
635.5-nm can be unambigously identified. O I at 777.4 nm and the Ca II near-
infrared triplet may be present but heavily contaminated by telluric lines
and buried by noise. The average redshift from these supernova features is
z = 0.19. Because SN 2010hy presumably brightened since its discovery before
maximum (Sept. 4 at unfiltered CCD mag 19.1), this redshift value indicates a
peak absolute magnitude brighter than -20.4. SN 2010hy is very probably an
overluminous event, similar to SN 2007bi, which was suggested as a possible
pair-instability supernova explosion (Gal-Yam et al. 2009, Nature 462, 624).

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 October 2 (CBET 2476) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 10/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 07 дек 2010, 15:52

3 October 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2477

SUPERNOVA 2010ie IN NGC 2333

P. Challis and G. H. Marion, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
(CfA), on behalf of the CfA Supernova Group, report that a spectrum (range
340-740 nm) of 2010ie (cf. CBET 2468) was obtained on Oct. 2 UT by S. Willner
with the F. L. Whipple Observatory 1.5-m telescope (+ FAST). Cross-
correlation with a library of supernova spectra using the "Supernova
Identification" code (SNID; Blondin and Tonry 2007, Ap.J. 666, 1024) shows
that 2010ie is a type-IIp supernova about two weeks past maximum light. The
spectrum displays prominent P-Cyg features from the Balmer lines, and the
velocity of H-alpha (measured at the absorption minimum) is 8200 km/s.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 October 3 (CBET 2477) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 10/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 07 дек 2010, 15:52

4 October 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2478

SUPERNOVA 2010ij IN PGC 68600

Denis Vida and Filip Novoselnik, on behalf of the "La Sagra Sky Survey"
(LSSS) Supernova Search Team (which includes also Luka Dukic, Ivica Skokic,
Robert Gregic, David Gostinski, Salvador Sanchez, Jaime Nomen, Reiner Stoss,
Bill Yeung, Juan Rodriguez and Miguel Hurtado), reports the discovery of an
apparent supernova (magnitude 15.9) on three CCD images (limiting mag about
20.0) taken on Sept. 15.829, 15.843, and 15.858 UT with a 0.45-m telescope.
The new object is located at R.A. = 22h20m20s.19, Decl = +17d03'22".2 (equinox
2000.0), which is 10".4 east and 4".8 south of the nucleus of the presumed
host galaxy, PGC 68600. Nothing is visible at this position on a Digitized
Sky Survey image from 1995 July 29.35 (red plate). An LSSS image from Sept.
15 has been posted (with the red DSS image on the right, for comparison) at
website URL http://img840.imageshack.us/img840/945/image000cj.png. Vida adds
that Joseph Brimacombe (Cairns, Australia) has taken an image remotely with a
32-cm RCOS telescope and (+ STL6K camera) located at the Macedon Ranges
Observatory (Victoria, Australia) on Oct. 3.56, yielding mag 17.2 for 2010ij
(image posted at http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/9217/pgc68600jb.png).

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 October 4 (CBET 2478) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 10/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 07 дек 2010, 15:53

5 October 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2479


David Grennan, Raheny (Dublin), Ireland, reports his discovery of an
apparent supernova (mag approximately 18.7 at discovery) on an unfiltered CCD
image (limiting mag 19.5) taken on Sept. 17.9416 UT with a 0.36-m Schmidt-
Cassegrain telescope. The new object is located at R.A. = 0h12m07s.48 +/-
0s.01, Decl. = +41d45'24".6 +/- 0".3 (equinox 2000.0), which is approximately
1".2 west and 10".6 north of the center of UGC 112. Nothing is visible at
this position on Palomar Sky Survey red and blue plates (limiting mag 19.5).
Additional magnitudes for 2010ik from Grennan: 2010 Aug. 20, [19.2; Sept.
20.887, 19.5 (limiting mag 20.4); 29.840, 18.7 (limiting mag 19.8).
Ron Arbour (South Wonston, Hants, U.K., 0.40-m f/4 reflector) reports the
following CCD magnitudes (unfiltered unless noted otherwise) for 2010ik:
Sept. 18.829, 17.7 (poor conditions with clouds and bright moonlight;
limiting mag about 18.1; position end figures 07s.45, 24s.8); 29.851, V =
18.5 (limiting mag 20.3; position end figures 07s.45, 24".7); Oct. 1.876,
18.1 (limiting mag 20.4; position end figures 07s.50, 24".5; offset 13".8
west, 10".9 north). Martin Mobberley, Suffolk, U.K., reports that 2010ik
appeared at unfiltered CCD mag 18.5 on an image taken on Sept. 29.828
using a 0.43-m f/6.8 Cassegrain reflector located at Nerpio Observatory,
Spain. T. Boles, Coddenham, England, reports mag 20.1 for 2010ik (and
position end figures 07s.8, 24".3; offsets 10".7 west and 11".2 north;
limiting mag 21.0) on Sept. 20. Boles' image has been posted at website
URL http://www.supernova.myzen.co.uk/images ... marked.jpg.

S. J. Smartt and S. Valenti, Queen's University, Belfast; S. Mattila, E.
Kankare, S. Katajainen, and S. A. Bird, Tuorla Observatory; and T. Pursimo,
Nordic Optical Telescope, report that they obtained low-resolution spectra
(range 320-910 nm) of 2010ik on Oct. 3.95 UT with the Nordic Optical Telescope
(+ ALFOSC). The spectrum suggests that 2010ik is a type-Ib/c supernova at
approximately 1-2 weeks after maximum light; however, some peculiarities
exist. Comparison of the spectrum of 2010ik with a library of supernova
spectra using the "GELATO" code (Harutyunyan et al. 2008, A.Ap. 488, 383)
yields a good match with the type-Ib/IIb supernova 2008bo (Navasardyan et al.
2008, CBET 1325) and with the peculiar type-Ib supernova 2005bf (Anupama et al.
2005, Ap.J. 631, 125), but with a redshift of z = 0.025, which is much higher
than the redshift of the likely host, UGC 112 (z = 0.016, from NED). Fixing
the redshift at z = 0.016, there is also a reasonable match with the spectrum
of the type-IIb supernova 2008ax (Pastorello et al. 2008, MNRAS 389, 955) at
seven days after maximum. The authors further report that an image from the
NOT provided magnitude R about 18.7 for 2010ik on the same date (Oct. 3), and
(assuming a Hubble Flow distance to UGC 112 of 70 Mpc) this suggests an
absolute magnitude of -15.7 (after correction for foreground extinction of
A_R about 0.19, from NED). If there is no further internal extinction from
the host galaxy, this is faint for a type-Ib/c or type-IIb supernova.
Furthermore, the measured magnitudes of Grennan, Boles, and Arbour suggest
that 2010ik has had a "plateau-type" phase for around two weeks, which is
again unusual for a type-Ib/c or type-IIb supernova. Further monitoring of
this peculiar event is encouraged.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 October 5 (CBET 2479) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 10/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 07 дек 2010, 15:53

6 October 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2480

SUPERNOVA 2010ih IN NGC 2325

[EDITOR'S NOTE: The text below replaces that on CBET 2475.]
N. Morrell, Las Campanas Observatory, Carnegie Supernova Project; and I.
Botti and P. Lopez, Universidad de Chile, report that they obtained a
spectrogram (range 364-920 nm) of 2010ih (cf. CBET 2471) on Sept. 30.38 UT
with the Las Campanas 2.5-m du Pont telescope (+ WFCCD), which shows that
2010ih is a type-Ia supernova several days past maximum brightness. Cross-
correlation with a library of supernova spectra using the Supernova
Identification tool (SNID; Blondin and Tonry, 2007, Ap.J. 666, 1024) suggests
for 2010ih an age of 2-3 weeks after maximum light and a redshift of 0.006,
best matched to the spectrum of SN 1990N at 18 days past maximum. Morrell
adds that NGC2325 has a redshift of 0.007, so that the probability is
high that 2010ih is a part of that galaxy.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 October 6 (CBET 2480) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 10/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 07 дек 2010, 15:53

6 October 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2481


Grzegorz Duszanowicz, Akersberga, Sweden, reports his discovery of an
apparent supernova (mag 17.5) on an unfiltered CCD image (limiting mag 18.5)
taken on Sept. 30.13 UT with a 0.32-m f/3.1 reflector (+ Starlight Xpress
MX716 CCD camera). The new object is located at R.A. = 8h43m21s.41, Decl. =
+45o44'18".0 (equinox 2000.0), which is 1".9 west and 9".6 north of the center
of UGC 4543 (= PGC 24493). Nothing is visible at this position on a Digitized
Sky Survey image (limiting red mag 20-21). Additional magnitudes for the
variable: 2009 Nov. 26.06, [18.5; 2010 Oct. 4.97, 17.3; 5.00, 17.3. He has
posted an image showing 2010?? at the following website URL:
http://moonbase.be/html/gallery/sncand/ ... TACK-2.jpg

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 October 6 (CBET 2481) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 10/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 07 дек 2010, 15:54

6 October 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2482


J. Maza, M. Hamuy, R. Antezana, L. Gonzalez, P. Gonzalez, S. Silva, G.
Folatelli, R. Cartier, F. Forster, and S. Marchi, Universidad de Chile; G.
Pignata and M. Cifuentes, Universidad Andres Bello; B. Conuel, Wesleyan
University; and D. Reichart, K. Ivarsen, J. Haislip, A. Crain, D. Foster,
M. Nysewander, and A. LaCluyze, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
on behalf of the CHASE project, report the discovery of two apparent supernovae
-- one of which appears to be a luminous blue variable in Aquila, from
SN 2010il was at magnitude approximately 16.4 on an unfiltered image
taken on Sept. 29.10 UT with the 0.41-m 'PROMPT 5' telescope located at
Cerro Tololo, and at mag approximately 16.3 in an image taken on Sept. 30.11.
SN 2010il is located at R.A. = 20h29m53s.12 +/- 0".1, Decl. = -2o11'24".7 +/-
0".1 (equinox 2000.0), which is about 3".3 east and 3".9 north of the center
of the galaxy NGC 6922. Nothing is visible at this position on archival
images taken on Sept. 18.15 (limiting mag 18.5) and 10.09 (limiting mag 18.0).
The suspected supernova in NGC 1511 was at magnitude approximately 15.9 on
an unfiltered image taken on Sept. 29.25 UT with the 0.41-m 'PROMPT 4'
telescope located at Cerro Tololo, and at mag approximately 15.6 in an image
taken on Sept. 30.11; the variable is located at R.A. = 3h59m38s.07 +/- 0".1,
Decl. = -67o37'54".6 +/- 0".1 (equinox 2000.0), which is about 6".3 east and
8".5 north of the center of the galaxy NGC 1511. Nothing is visible at this
position on archival images taken on Sept. 6.39 and 18.38 (limiting mag 18.0).

N. Morrell, Las Campanas Observatory, Carnegie Supernova Project; and I.
Botti and P. Lopez, Universidad de Chile, report optical spectroscopy (range
364-920 nm) of the CHASE candidates in NGC 1511 and NGC 6922 obtained on
Sept. 30 UT with the Las Campanas 2.5-m du Pont telescope (+ WFCCD). The
variable in NGC 1511 shows a blue continuum with strong superimposed Balmer
emission lines, suggesting this may be the outburst of a luminous blue
variable. SN 2010il is a type-Ib/c supernova similar to SN 1999ex around
maximum light; cross-correlation with a library of supernova spectra using
the Supernova Identification code (Blondin and Tonry, 2006, Ap.J. 666, 1024)
provides an excellent match for 2010il to the spectrum of SN 1999ex at
maximum brightness.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 October 6 (CBET 2482) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 10/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 07 дек 2010, 15:54

7 October 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2483

APPARENT NOVA IN M31: M31N 2010-10a

Koichi Nishiyama, Kurume, Japan; and Fujio Kabashima, Miyaki, Japan,
report the discovery of a possible nova (mag 17.9) in M31 on seven 40-s
unfiltered CCD frames (limiting magnitude 19.6) taken around Oct. 05.551 UT
using a Meade 200R 0.40-m f/9.8 reflector (+ SBIG STL1001E camera). They
confirmed the variable on images (limiting mag 19.7) taken on Oct. 6.538,
when the new object had brightened to mag 17.1. The apparent nova, designated
M31N 2010-10a, is located at R.A. = 0h42m45.82, Decl. = +41d24'22".0
(equinox 2000.0), which is 17" east and 493" north of the center of the galaxy
M31. Nothing is visible at this position on their past frames taken on Sept.
30.560 and Oct. 1.542 (limiting magnitude 19.2) or on the Digitized Sky Survey
from 1986 Nov. 27 (limiting red mag 18.7) and 1993 Oct. 21 (limiting infrared
mag 17.9). T. Yusa, Osaki, Japan, reports that M31N 2010-10a was at mag 17.3
on unfiltered CCD frames (limiting mag 19.3) taken on Oct. 6.188, remotely
using a 0.25-m f/3.4 reflector (+ SBIG ST-10XME camera) at the RAS Observatory
near Mayhill, NM, U.S.A.; he measured position end figures 45s.82, 22".3
(offset 16" east, 497" north). Yusa's image is posted at the following
website URL: http://space.geocities.jp/yusastar77/PNinM31_101006.htm.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 October 7 (CBET 2483) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 10/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 07 дек 2010, 15:54

7 October 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2484

SUPERNOVAE 2010im AND 2010in

Further to CBET 2463, A. J. Drake, S. G. Djorgovski, A. Mahabal, M. J.
Graham, and R. Williams, California Institute of Technology; R. H. McNaught
and G. Garradd, Australian National University; J. L. Prieto, Carnegie
Observatories; M. Catelan, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile; E. C.
Beshore and S. M. Larson, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of
Arizona; and E. Christensen, Gemini Observatory, report the CRTS discovery of
two apparent supernovae in unfiltered Siding Spring Survey (SSS) images:

SN 2010 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. Mag. Offset
2010im Oct. 4.53 20 11 31.59 -45 41 57.8 16.3 1".9 E, 5".9 S
2010in Oct. 6.64 1 16 14.62 -30 32 45.4 18.5 5".2 E, 7".7 S

Further SSS magnitudes for 2010im: Aug. 6.56 UT; [20.0, Sept. 2.52, 16.6;
Oct. 5.48, 16.4. Further SSS magnitudes for 2010in: 2009 Dec. 5.50, [19.5;
Aug. 20.80, 17.8. The presumed host galaxy of 2010in, 2dFGRS S375Z040, has
redshift z = 0.036.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 October 7 (CBET 2484) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 10/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 07 дек 2010, 15:55

8 October 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2485

SUPERNOVAE 2010gw, 2010hx, 2010ij

N. Morrell, Las Campanas Observatory, Carnegie Supernova Project; and I.
Botti, Universidad de Chile, report that they obtained optical spectroscopy
(range 364-920 nm) of 2010gw (cf. CBET 2410), 2010hx (cf. CBET 2460), and
2010ij (cf. CBET 2478) on Oct. 6 UT with the Las Campans 2.5-m du Pont
telescope (+ WFCCD). Inspection of the data, with the help of the Supernova
Identification tool (SNID, Blondin and Tonry 2006, Ap.J. 666, 1024) shows that
2010gw is a type II-p supernova between 1 and 2 months after the explosion
date; 2010hx is probably a normal type-Ia supernova at 4-6 weeks past maximum
brightness (although, according to SNID, the spectrum is best matched to the
1991T-like supernova 1999aw at 36 days after maximum light); while 2010ij is a
normal type-Ia supernova at roughly two weeks after maximum brightness, very
similar to SN 1981B at 16 days past maximum light.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 October 8 (CBET 2485) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 10/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 07 дек 2010, 15:55

8 October 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2486


Guoyou Sun, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China; and Xing Gao, Urumqi, Xinjiang,
China, report the discovery of a possible supernova (mag approximately 17.2)
on 60-s survey images (limiting mag about 19) taken by Xing Gao in the
course of the Xingming Observation Sky Survey at Mt. Nanshan around Oct. 3.605
UT using an unfiltered CCD camera with a Celestron C14 Schmidt-Cassegrain
telescope. The new object is located at R.A. = 14h00m47s.12 +/- 0s.12, Decl.
= +59d20'17".0 +/- 0".2 (equinox 2000.0; measured by Sun), which is 13".7
west and 33".5 north of the nucleus of NGC 5430. Nothing is visible at this
position on a Digitized Sky Survey image from 1997 Apr. 8 (limiting mag about
19.5; no bandpass stated). Additional magnitudes for the variable provided
by Sun: Oct. 4.578, 17.2; 5.588, 16.9; 6.584, 16.7.
Following posting on the Central Bureau's unconfirmed-objects webpage,
G. Cortini (Predappio, Italy, 0.35-m telescope) reports that the variable
appeared at mag 17.3 with position end figures 47s.08, 17.0 (offset 1".3
east, 34" north of the center of NGC 5430) on several unfiltered CCD images
(limiting mag about 18.5) taken on Oct. 6.81. S. Nakano, Sumoto, Japan,
forwards mag 17.0 and position end figures 47s.09, 16".6 (offset 10" east,
33" north) from unfiltered CCD images (limiting mag 18.0) taken by K. Kadota
(Ageo, Japan, 0.25-m f/5 reflector + SBIG ST-9E camera) on Oct. 6.080. T.
Yusa, Osaki, Japan, reports mag 17.0 and position end figures 47s.10, 16".7
(offset 10" east, 33" north of the center of NGC 5430) from unfiltered CCD
frames (limiting mag 18.5) taken on Oct. 7.402 with a 0.30-m f/7 Cassegrain
telescope (+ SBIG STL-1001E camera).

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 October 8 (CBET 2486) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 10/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 07 дек 2010, 15:55

8 October 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2487

POSSIBLE NOVA IN M31: M31N 2010-10b

Kamil Hornoch, Astronomical Institute, Ondrejov, reports his discovery
of a possible nova in M31 on a co-added 990-s R-band CCD frame taken on Oct.
6.932 UT with the 0.65-m telescope at Ondrejov. The new object, designated
M31N 2010-10b, is well visible on the co-added frame and faintly visible also
on single images used for the co-added frame, but it is not present on
numerous archival images taken at Lelekovice and Ondrejov. The object is
visible also on four pre-discovery Ondrejov R-band CCD images taken between
Aug. 19.055 and Sept. 20.777. Available magnitudes for M31N 2010-10b,
measured by Hornoch: July 10.200, [22.0 (J. Corral-Santana and J. Casares,
2.54-m Isaac Newton Telescope + Sloan r' filter); Aug. 19.055, R = 20.0 +/-
0.3 (Hornoch and P. Hornochova, 0.65-m telescope at Ondrejov); 25.097, R =
19.6 +/- 0.25 (Hornoch and Hornochova); Sept. 14.128, R = 19.4 +/- 0.2
(Hornoch and Hornochova); 20.777, R = 19.5 +/- 0.2 (Hornoch and Hornochova);
Oct. 6.932, R = 18.9 +/- 0.15 (Hornoch, 0.65-m telescope at Ondrejov); 7.767,
R = 18.9 +/- 0.15 (Hornoch and M. Wolf, 0.65-m telescope at Ondrejov).
M31N 2010-10b is located at R.A. = 0h42m41s.51, Decl. = +41o03'27".3 (equinox
2000.0), which is 32" west and 761" south of the center of M31.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 October 8 (CBET 2487) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 10/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 07 дек 2010, 15:56

10 October 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2488


A. Gal-Yam, Weizmann Institute of Science; D. A. Howell, University of
California at Santa Barbara and Las Campanas Observatory; S. B. Cenko and J. S.
Bloom, University of California at Berkeley; M. M. Kasliwal and S. R. Kulkarni,
California Institute of Technology (CIT); N. M. Law, University of Toronto;
and E. O. Ofek and R. M. Quimby, CIT, report the independent discovery of SN
2010ib (cf. CBET 2464) by the "Palomar Transient Factory" (PTF) group. The
supernova (referred to by the PTF group as PTF10qob) was initially detected
at R-band magnitude 19.1 via the Palomar 1.2-m Oschin Schmidt telescope on
Aug. 4.38 UT, though no object is visible at the position of 2010ib on an
image obtained on July 24.47 (limiting magnitude 20.1).
CCD spectra (range 350-900 nm) of 2010ib were obtained on Aug. 6 UT with
the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph mounted on the 8-m Gemini South telescope.
Matches to template spectra using "Superfit" indicate that 2010ib is a type-II
supernova with strong P-Cyg profiles clearly visible in the Balmer series.
Using superimposed narrow emission lines, a redshift of z = 0.0187 was
measured for the presumed host galaxy, consistent with archival (NED) values
for the nearby Minkowski object.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 October 10 (CBET 2488) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 10/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 07 дек 2010, 15:56

11 October 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2489

SUPERNOVAE 2010ig AND 2010io

D. Milisavljevic and R. Fesen, Dartmouth College, report on low-dispersion
spectra (range 440-770 nm) taken on Oct. 10 UT with the 2.4-m Hiltner telescope
(+ Mark III) at MDM Observatory. The object near UGC 4543 discovered by
Duszanowicz (cf. CBET 2481), here designated 2010io, is likely a type-Ic
supernova; comparison with a library of supernova spectra using the
"Supernova Identification" tool (SNID; Blondin and Tonry 2007, ApJ., 666, 1024)
provides reasonable matches with type-Ic events around three months post-
maximum light. A spectrum of SN 2010ig (cf. CBET 2470) resembles that of the
type-Ib supernova 1999ex around maximum light.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 October 11 (CBET 2489) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 10/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 07 дек 2010, 15:56

11 October 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2490


[Editor's note: this text replaces that on CBET 2488.]
A. Gal-Yam, Weizmann Institute of Science; D. A. Howell, University of
California at Santa Barbara and Las Cumbres Observatory; S. B. Cenko and J. S.
Bloom, University of California at Berkeley; M. M. Kasliwal and S. R. Kulkarni,
California Institute of Technology (CIT); N. M. Law, University of Toronto;
and E. O. Ofek and R. M. Quimby, CIT, report the independent discovery of SN
2010ib (cf. CBET 2464) by the "Palomar Transient Factory" (PTF) group. The
supernova (referred to by the PTF group as PTF10qob) was initially detected
at R-band magnitude 19.1 via the Palomar 1.2-m Oschin Schmidt telescope on
Aug. 4.38 UT, though no object is visible at the position of 2010ib on an
image obtained on July 24.47 (limiting magnitude 20.1).
CCD spectra (range 350-900 nm) of 2010ib were obtained on Aug. 6 UT with
the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph mounted on the 8-m Gemini South telescope.
Matches to template spectra using "Superfit" indicate that 2010ib is a type-II
supernova with strong P-Cyg profiles clearly visible in the Balmer series.
Using superimposed narrow emission lines, a redshift of z = 0.0187 was
measured for the presumed host galaxy, consistent with archival (NED) values
for the nearby Minkowski object.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 October 11 (CBET 2490) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп


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