IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 05/2010

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 05/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 17 июн 2010, 11:53

18 May 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2286

SUPERNOVA 2010cu IN IC 883 = PSN K1002-1

S. Ryder, Anglo-Australian Observatory; and E. Kankare and S. Mattila,
Tuorla Observatory, report that they obtained further observations of the
apparent supernova found by them on Feb. 24.6 UT in the luminous infrared
galaxy IC 883 (cf. CBET 2213). Observations on May 4.5 UT, again using NIRI
and the ALTAIR laser guide-star adaptive-optics system on the Gemini North
Telescope, show a source coincident in position with that reported previously
to within 0".01, after subtraction of an image obtained with the same
instrument on 2008 April 15.5. The K-band magnitude of 2010cu is
approximately 18.5, consistent with near-infrared light curves of
core-collapse supernovae (e.g., Mattila and Meikle 2001, MNRAS 324, 325).
High-spatial-resolution follow-up observations at infrared and radio
wavelengths are encouraged.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 May 18 (CBET 2286) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 05/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 17 июн 2010, 11:53

18 May 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2287

SUPERNOVAE 2010cq AND 2010cv-2010cz

Further to CBETs 2234 and 2280, A. J. Drake, S. G. Djorgovski, A.
Mahabal, M. J. Graham, and R. Williams, California Institute of Technology;
J. L. Prieto, Carnegie Observatories; M. Catelan, Pontificia Universidad
Catolica de Chile; R. H. McNaught, Australian National University; E. C.
Beshore and S. M. Larson, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of
Arizona; and E. Christensen, Gemini Observatory, report the discovery of
several apparent supernovae in unfiltered Catalina Sky Survey (CSS) and
Siding Spring Survey images:

SN 2010 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. Mag. Offset
2010cv Apr. 9.18 9 36 19.28 +29 21 01.3 18.8 --
2010cw Apr. 11.24 9 33 56.84 +38 48 35.7 17.8 1".6 E, 1".7 S
2010cx May 5.33 13 00 31.43 +41 44 44.4 18.3 1".1 W
2010cy May 13.39 14 43 42.85 + 3 58 16.2 17.0 1".0 E, 3".1 N
2010cz May 15.81 22 40 56.89 - 7 03 06.4 17.8 15".9 W, 16".8 N

Further CSS magnitudes for 2010cv: Mar. 19.27 UT, [20.5; Apr. 17.18, 18.9;
May 6.23, 19.6. Further CSS magnitudes for 2010cw: Mar. 19.28, [19.2; May
11.17, 18.8. Further CSS magnitudes for 2010cx: Mar. 19.30, [20.4; May
15.30, 18.5; May 17.33, 18.5. Further CSS magnitudes for 2010cy: Apr. 9.31,
[18.0; May 5.38, 17.5. Further magnitudes for 2010cz: 2009 Nov. 17, [19.5
(Mount Lemmon Survey); 2010 May 17.4, 18.2 (J. Brimacombe, Cairns, Australia;
unfiltered images taken remotely with a telescope near Mayhill, NM, U.S.A.).
The host galaxy (2 Micron All Sky Survey eXtended source J2240579-070323) for
2010cz has redshift z = 0.041 (6dF Galaxy Survey; cf. Jones et al. 2004,
MNRAS 355, 747).
J. Prieto, Carnegie Observatories, reports that optical spectra (range
370-950 nm; resolution 0.7nm) of 2010cq (cf. CBET 2280), 2010cx, and 2010cy
were obtained with the Apache Point Observatory 3.5-m telescope (+ DIS) on
May 16 UT. After cross-correlation with a library of supernova spectra using
SNID (Blondin and Tonry 2007, Ap.J. 666, 1024), the following spectral
classifications were made: 2010cx is a normal type-II supernova at z = 0.03
(redshift from the supernova spectrum) a few weeks after explosion; 2010cy is
a normal type-Ia supernova at z = 0.0389 (redshift from emission lines in the
host galaxy) around maximum light; and 2010cq is a normal type-Ia supernova
at z = 0.0275 (redshift from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey) about three weeks
after maximum. After correcting the spectrum of 2010cy for the recession
velocity of its host galaxy, the velocity of the Si II 635.5-nm absorption
trough is measured to be 10500 km/s.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 May 18 (CBET 2287) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 05/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 17 июн 2010, 11:54

22 May 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2288

SUPERNOVA 2009nz = GRB 091127

B. E. Cobb, J. S. Bloom, A. N. Morgan, S. B. Cenko and D. A. Perley,
University of California, Berkeley -- on behalf of a larger collaboration --
report that an apparent supernova appeared at the site of the gamma-ray burst
designated GRB 091127 (Troja et al. 2009, GCN 10191, posted at website URL
http://gcn.gsfc.nasa.gov/gcn3/10191.gcn3), at position R.A. = 2h26m19s.9,
Decl. = -18d57'09" (equinox 2000.0), which is coincident with the optical
afterglow (Immler et al. 2009, GCN 10193) of GRB 091127 at a redshift of z =
0.49 (Cucchiara et al. 2009, GCN 10202; Thoene et al. 2009, GCN 10233). Deep
images obtained with the 8-m Gemini-South telescope on 2010 Mar. 10.1 UT show
what is apparently a slightly elongated host galaxy, with the optical
transient located 0".09 west and 0".26 south of the center of that galaxy,
at a magnitude of I = 22.6. Optical imaging obtained using the Gemini
Multi-Object Spectrograph on the same telescope and the ANDICAM instrument
on the 1.3-m telescope at Cerro Tololo indicates that -- while the optical
afterglow of the GRB is initially dominant -- the rising light from the
presumed supernova becomes evident after about 10 days post-GRB, similar to
SN 2003dh, associated with GRB 030329 (cf. IAUC 8114) becoming evident at
about six days post-GRB (Bloom et al. 2004, Ap.J. 127, 252). The presumed
supernova for GRB 091127 (here designated SN 2009nz) reached a peak
brightness at about 22 +/- 3 days post-GRB, which is consistent with the
rise-time expected for a GRB-supernova at redshift z = 0.49 [rise-time
about 20*(1+z); e.g., Zeh et al. 2004, Ap.J. 609, 952]. In general, the
rise and decay characteristics of SN 2009nz are similar to those of the
prototypical GRB supernova, SN 1998bw. Gemini observations taken on 2009
Dec. 7.15 (about nine days post-burst) find the system to be at approximate
I-magnitude 21.7, while extrapolations from the early-time afterglow decay
suggest that an afterglow-only system at nine days post-burst would be
around I-magnitude 22.1. From the first Gemini epoch to a second take on
2009 Dec. 16.03 (about 18 days post-burst), the system brightens by 0.06
+/- 0.02 magnitude. Without a supernova component, the afterglow should
have dimmed during this time by nearly a magnitude. The first and second
epoch are not simply detecting a host-galaxy component, however, because
the decay of the supernova was then followed in a third epoch of Gemini
imaging taken on 2010 Jan. 14.08 (about 47 days post-burst). From the
second to the third epoch, the system dimmed by 0.58 +/- 0.02 magnitude.
The observed peak magnitude of SN 2009nz (correcting for a small amount
of Galactic reddening, A_V = 0.125, as well as the contribution from the
host galaxy and optical afterglow) is I = 22.3. Assuming little or no
host-galaxy reddening (which is consistent with the observations of the
optical afterglow of the GRB), the absolute V magnitude of SN 2009nz is
about -19.0, similar to SN 1998bw (cf. IAUC 6901), associated with GRB
980425 (Galama et al. 1998, Nature, 395, 670).

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 May 22 (CBET 2288) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 05/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 17 июн 2010, 11:54

24 May 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2289


L. A. G. Monard, Pretoria, South Africa, reports his discovery of an
apparent supernova (mag 16.0 +/- 0.2) on three images taken during dawn
twilight on May 23.169 UT. The new object is located at R.A. = 0h55m04s.86,
Decl. = -37d41'43".7 (equinox 2000.0), which is 135" east and 41" south of
the galaxy core of NGC 300. Nothing is visible at this position on the
Digitized Sky Survey (limiting red mag 20.5) or on Monard's images prior to
May 6 (limiting mag around 18.5). Additional magnitudes of 2010da reported
by Monard: May 6.12, [15.5; 24.139, 15.9 (unfiltered); 24.141, V = 16.1;
24.142, R = 15.9; 24.144, I = 15.8; 24.145, B = 16.2.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 May 24 (CBET 2289) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 05/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 17 июн 2010, 11:55

24 May 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2290


P. Balanutsa and E. Gorbovskoy, on behalf of the MASTER team (cf. CBETs
2111, 2162), report their discovery of an apparent supernova (mag 15.2) on an
unfiltered CCD image (limiting mag 18.8) taken on May 15.923 UT. The new
object is located at R.A. = 18h26m09s.27, Decl. = +30d14'12".6 (equinox
2000.0), which is 3".5 west and 1".5 south of the center of PGC 1895764. The
discovery image has been posted at the following website URL:
http://observ.pereplet.ru/images/SN1005 ... 18_all.jpg.
After posting on the CBAT's unconfirmed-objects webpage, P. Corelli
(Pagnacco, Italy) reports that two co-added 120-s unfiltered frames obtained
with a 0.45-m f/4.5 telescope on May 23.958 show an object of mag 16.0
located 7" west and 2" south of the nucleus of PGC 1895764, at position end
figures 09s.2, 12".2, adding that nothing is visible at this position on a
Palomar Sky Survey plate (limiting red mag approximately 21).

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 May 24 (CBET 2290) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 05/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 17 июн 2010, 11:55

24 May 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2291

SUPERNOVA 2010dc IN IC 4854

G. Bock, Windaroo, Queensland, Australia, reports the discovery of an
apparent supernova (red mag 17.2) by Brendan Downs (Backyard Observatory
Supernova Search team, Ipswich, Queensland) on 60-s unfiltered CCD images
taken during May 22.612-22.661 UT with a Meade 35-cm f/6.3 reflector (+ ST7
CCD camera). Bock measures the new object's position to be R.A. =
19h27m17s.72, Decl. = -59d18'44".9 (equinox 2000.0), which is 27" west and
9" north of the nucleus of IC 4854. Nothing is visible at this position on
Digitized Sky Survey red, blue, and infrared images (limiting red mag > 19).
A confirming image taken by L. A. G. Monard (Pretoria, S. Africa) on May
24.056 clearly shows 2010dc at red mag 17.3 (measured by Bock). Bock adds
that nothing is visible at the position of 2010dc on images taken by Monard
on May 6 (limiting mag about 19) and by S. Parker (Oxford, Canterbury, New
Zealand) on May 2 (limiting red mag > 17.5).

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 May 24 (CBET 2291) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 05/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 17 июн 2010, 11:56

26 May 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2292

2010da IN NGC 300

Further to CBET 2289, L. A. G. Monard revises his B-band magnitude on
May 24.145 UT to B = 16.4. He also adds the following magnitudes: May
25.139, 16.0 (unfiltered CCD); May 25.145, V = 16.3; May 25.146, R = 16.0;
May 25.147, I = 15.8; May 25.148, B = 16.5.
N. Elias-Rosa, J. C. Mauerhan, and S. D. Van Dyk, Spitzer Science Center,
California Institute of Technology, report that inspection of a spectrogram
(range 400-860 nm) of 2010da, obtained on May 25.4 UT with the SOAR 4.1-m
telescope (+ Goodman spectrograph), shows it to be a young "supernova impostor"
in outburst. Assuming a recession velocity of 144 km/s (Lauberts and Valentijn
1989, Garching: European Southern Observatory; via NED) for the host galaxy,
the "GELATO" spectrum-comparison code (Harutyunyan et al. 2008, A.Ap. 488,
383; available at https://gelato.tng.iac.es) provides good fits to spectra of
"supernova impostor" 1997bs (Van Dyk et al. 2000, PASP 112, 1532) at several
days after outburst. The blue continuum is dominated by strong, narrow H-alpha
emission, with a no presence of a P-Cyg profile. There are also present other
narrow Balmer lines, as well as lines of [N II], Fe II, He I (at about 587.6
and 706.7 nm, with some possible contribution from Na I D at about 589 nm),
possibly a weak [He II] 468.6-nmline, and the [Ca II] near-infrared triplet.
R. Chornock and E. Berger, Harvard University, report on imaging and
spectroscopy of 2010da, obtained on May 25.4 UT with GMOS on the Gemini-South
telescope. The spectra (range 350-1000 nm) exhibit strong, narrow emission
lines of the H Balmer and Paschen series. The FWHM of H-alpha is approximately
660 km/s, although the line profile is not well-fitted by a Gaussian. The
higher-order Balmer lines exhibit blueshifted P-Cyg absorption components.
Emission lines of He I, Fe II, Ca II H and K, and O I are present, as is He II
468.6-nm. No strong absorption lines from Na I D are seen, indicative of low
reddening, and consistent with the Swift detections in the ultraviolet
(http://www.astronomerstelegram.org/?read=2633). In addition, although [Ca II]
729.1-nm falls in a CCD chip gap, [Ca II] 732.4-nm does not appear to be
present in these GMOS spectra. The Gemini-South acquisition images yield a
magnitude of r = 16.2. These spectral properties, combined with the low
luminosity relative to supernovae (http://www.astronomerstelegram.org/?read=2632
http://www.astronomerstelegram.org/?read=2633), are indicative of a luminous-
blue-variable-like outburst of a massive star.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 May 26 (CBET 2292) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 05/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 17 июн 2010, 11:56

26 May 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2293

SUPERNOVAE 2010bv AND 2010co

N. Morrell, Las Campanas Observatory, on behalf of the Carnegie
Supernova Project, reports spectroscopic observations (range 330-950 nm)
of 2010bv (cf. CBET 2255) and 2010co (cf. CBET 2271), obtained on May 20
UT with the Boller and Chivens spectrograph attached to the 2.5-m du Pont
telescope at Las Campanas Observatory. The spectrum of 2010bv is that of an
evolved type-Ia supernova; cross-correlation with a library of supernova
spectra via the Supernova Identification tool (SNID; Blondin and Tonry 2007,
Ap.J. 666, 1024) yields very good matches with a number of normal type-Ia
supernovae around three months past maximum light.
The data for 2010co show that this is a young type-II supernova. The
minimum of the H-beta absorption is blueshifted by approximately 5000 km/s,
if the NED recession velocity of 4205 km/s (Lauberts and Valentijn 1989, The
Surface Photometry Catalogue of the ESO-Uppsala Galaxies) is adopted for
NGC 6862. Significant Na I interstellar absorption (EW approximately 0.13
nm) at the velocity of the host galaxy is observed in the spectrum of 2010co.
SNID provides good matches for 2010co with many type-II-P supernovae between
10 and 30 days after maximum.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 May 26 (CBET 2293) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 05/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 17 июн 2010, 11:56

26 May 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2294

SUPERNOVA 2010dd IN UGC 10594

F. Ciabattari, M. Rossi, and G. Petroni, Borgo a Mozzano, Italy, report
their discovery of an apparent supernova (mag 17.2) on unfiltered CCD images
obtained on May 23.92 (limiting mag 19.0) and 24.87-24.91 UT (limiting mag
19.2) with a 0.5-m Newtonian telescope. The new object is located at R.A. =
16h52m47s.60, Decl. = +51d03'45".7 (equinox 2000.0; astrometry with respect
to USNO-B1 stars), which is 8" west and 3" north of the center of the galaxy
UGC 10594. Nothing is visible at this position on Palomar Sky Survey plates
from 1996 Mar. 16 (limiting mag 20.3, F plate) or 1989 June 28 (limiting mag
20.3, J plate).

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 May 26 (CBET 2294) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 05/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 17 июн 2010, 11:57

27 May 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2295

SUPERNOVAE 2010de-2010dl

Further to CBETs 2234 and 2287, A. J. Drake, S. G. Djorgovski, A. Mahabal,
M. J. Graham, and R. Williams, California Institute of Technology; J. L.
Prieto, Carnegie Observatories; M. Catelan, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de
Chile; E. C. Beshore and S. M. Larson, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory,
University of Arizona; and E. Christensen, Gemini Observatory, report the
CRTS discovery of several apparent supernovae in unfiltered Catalina Sky
Survey (CSS) images taken with the 0.7-m and 1.5-m telescopes:

SN 2010 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. Mag. Offset
2010de Apr. 10.45 16 12 29.20 + 0 44 41.1 17.4 0".6 E, 1".0 N
2010df May 5.30 12 58 39.67 - 3 26 43.1 18.9 1".7 W, 2".7 N
2010dg May 7.23 10 34 04.31 +38 32 30.4 19.2 2".1 W, 12".2 N
2010dh May 9.24 10 56 37.19 +20 14 41.9 18.0 12".2 W, 2".7 S
2010di May 12.19 8 52 47.28 +53 14 06.1 18.7 2".4 W, 1".8 N
2010dj May 12.28 11 57 34.72 +24 42 27.7 18.5 1".5 W, 2".0 N
2010dk May 16.29 14 28 56.16 +20 19 04.0 19.3 1".4 W, 0".5 S
2010dl May 24.45 21 35 00.97 + 0 30 47.8 16.4 8".7 E, 6".5 S

Further magnitude estimates (CSS unless noted otherwise) for 2010de: 2009
Oct. 18.14 UT, [18.5 (Mount Lemmon Survey); 2010 Mar. 11.46, 17.8; 21.49,
17.4; Apr. 8.49, 17.4. Further CSS magnitude estimates for 2010df: Apr.
15.35, [19.8; May 16.23, 19.2. Further CSS magnitude estimates for 2010dg:
Feb. 17.30, [20.5; Mar. 17.21, 18.8; Apr. 11.15, 19.0; May 21.21, 19.8.
Further CSS magnitude estimates for 2010dh in PGC 1621290: Mar. 25.24, [19.5;
Apr. 9.23, 18.1; 17.23, 17.2. Further CSS magnitude estimates for 2010di:
Mar. 18.22, [20.2; Apr. 12.22, 18.5. Further CSS magnitude estimates for
2010dj: Apr. 17.26, [20.0; May 25.25, 18.9. Further CSS magnitude estimates
for 2010dk: Apr. 15.45, [20.5; May 9.31, 19.3. Further magnitude estimates
for 2010dl in IC 1391: 2009 Nov. 19.08, [19.0 (CSS); 2010 May 26.4, 16.7
(J. Brimacombe, Cairns, Australia; r-band images taken remotely with a
telescope near Mayhill, NM, U.S.A.).

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 May 27 (CBET 2295) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 05/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 17 июн 2010, 11:57

29 May 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2296

SUPERNOVAE 2010de-2010dl

[Editor's note: this text replaces that on CBET 2295; the declination
signs for 2010de and 2010dl were in error.]
Further to CBETs 2234 and 2287, A. J. Drake, S. G. Djorgovski, A. Mahabal,
M. J. Graham, and R. Williams, California Institute of Technology; J. L.
Prieto, Carnegie Observatories; M. Catelan, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de
Chile; E. C. Beshore and S. M. Larson, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory,
University of Arizona; and E. Christensen, Gemini Observatory, report the
CRTS discovery of several apparent supernovae in unfiltered Catalina Sky
Survey (CSS) images taken with the 0.7-m and 1.5-m telescopes:

SN 2010 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. Mag. Offset
2010de Apr. 10.45 16 12 29.20 - 0 44 41.1 17.4 0".6 E, 1".0 N
2010df May 5.30 12 58 39.67 - 3 26 43.1 18.9 1".7 W, 2".7 N
2010dg May 7.23 10 34 04.31 +38 32 30.4 19.2 2".1 W, 12".2 N
2010dh May 9.24 10 56 37.19 +20 14 41.9 18.0 12".2 W, 2".7 S
2010di May 12.19 8 52 47.28 +53 14 06.1 18.7 2".4 W, 1".8 N
2010dj May 12.28 11 57 34.72 +24 42 27.7 18.5 1".5 W, 2".0 N
2010dk May 16.29 14 28 56.16 +20 19 04.0 19.3 1".4 W, 0".5 S
2010dl May 24.45 21 35 00.97 - 0 30 47.8 16.4 8".7 E, 6".5 S

Further magnitude estimates (CSS unless noted otherwise) for 2010de: 2009
Oct. 18.14 UT, [18.5 (Mount Lemmon Survey); 2010 Mar. 11.46, 17.8; 21.49,
17.4; Apr. 8.49, 17.4. Further CSS magnitude estimates for 2010df: Apr.
15.35, [19.8; May 16.23, 19.2. Further CSS magnitude estimates for 2010dg:
Feb. 17.30, [20.5; Mar. 17.21, 18.8; Apr. 11.15, 19.0; May 21.21, 19.8.
Further CSS magnitude estimates for 2010dh in PGC 1621290: Mar. 25.24, [19.5;
Apr. 9.23, 18.1; 17.23, 17.2. Further CSS magnitude estimates for 2010di:
Mar. 18.22, [20.2; Apr. 12.22, 18.5. Further CSS magnitude estimates for
2010dj: Apr. 17.26, [20.0; May 25.25, 18.9. Further CSS magnitude estimates
for 2010dk: Apr. 15.45, [20.5; May 9.31, 19.3. Further magnitude estimates
for 2010dl in IC 1391: 2009 Nov. 19.08, [19.0 (CSS); 2010 May 26.4, 16.7
(J. Brimacombe, Cairns, Australia; r-band images taken remotely with a
telescope near Mayhill, NM, U.S.A.).

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 May 29 (CBET 2296) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
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Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 05/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 17 июн 2010, 11:57

29 May 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2297


W. Zheng and F. Yuan, University of Michigan; J. Vinko, University of
Szeged; R. Quimby, California Institute of Technology; M. D. Sisson, N.
Whallon, A. Romadan, Y. Chen, C. Akerlof, and S. B. Pandey, University of
Michigan; and J. C. Wheeler and E. Chatzopoulos, University of Texas, on
behalf of the ROTSE collaboration, report the discovery of a new supernova
(mag about 18.2) in unfiltered images taken on May 23.28 UT with the 0.45-m
ROTSE-IIIb telescope at McDonald Observatory. The new object, which was
observed again on May 25.23 at mag about 17.7, is located at R.A. =
12h11m33s.31, Decl. = +47o16'29".1 (equinox 2000.0; uncertainty about 1"),
which is 0".1 west and 0".5 north of the center of the host galaxy (SDSS
J121133.31+471628.5); a finding chart for the object can be found at website
URL http://www.rotse.net/rsvp/j121133.3+471 ... 471629.jpg.
A spectrum, obtained on May 28.23 UT with the 9.2-m Hobby-Eberly Telescope
(+ Marcario Low-Resolution Spectrograph) by J. Caldwell, shows that 2010dm
is a type-Ia supernova, a few days before maximum light. The spectrum
contains the Si II 635.5-nm line and several other characteristic type-Ia-
supernova features. The high-velocity Ca II infrared triplet feature is
present, which supports the pre-maximum phase estimate. According to SNID
(Blondin and Tonry 2007, Ap.J. 666, 1024), the spectrum most resembles that
of SN 1990N at six days before maximum. The median redshift estimate is
0.032 +/- 0.006, in good agreement with the photo-z estimate of the host
galaxy from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey; adopting this redshift, the
velocity (from the absorption minimum of the Si II 635.5-nm feature) is
11600 km/s.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 May 29 (CBET 2297) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 05/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 17 июн 2010, 11:58

31 May 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2298

SUPERNOVA 2010dl IN IC 1391

D. K. Sahu, G. C. Anupama, and S. Arora, Indian Institute of
Astrophysics, Bangalore, report that a low-resolution spectrum (range 350-930
nm) of 2010dl (cf. CBET 2296), obtained on May 30.87 UT with the Indian
Astronomical Observatory's 2-m Himalayan Chandra Telescope (+ HFOSC), shows
it to be a normal type-Ia supernova, a few days after maximum light. Using
the SNID code of Blondin and Tonry (2007, Ap.J. 666, 1024), the spectrum of
2010dl is found to be similar to that of SN 1998aq at about six days after
maximum light. After correcting for the recession velocity of the host
galaxy, IC 1391 (9004 km/s, via NED; Jones et al. 2004, MNRAS 355, 747;
Jones et al. 2009, MNRAS 399, 683), the velocity of the Si II 635.5-nm
absorption is measured to be 10500 km/s.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 May 31 (CBET 2298) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 05/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 17 июн 2010, 11:58

4 May 2010
IAU Circular No.9142


As first announced on CBET 2262, K. Nishiyama (Kurume, Japan)
and F. Kabashima (Miyaki, Japan) report their discovery of another
possible Milky Way nova (mag 8.6) on two unfiltered CCD frames
(limiting mag 13.1) taken around Apr. 25.788 UT using a 105-mm f/4
camera lens. Follow-up unfiltered CCD frames (limiting mag 17.3)
taken around Apr. 25.796 using a 0.40-m reflector yield the
following precise position for the variable: R.A. = 16h55m13s.16,
Decl. = -38o03'46".9 (equinox 2000.0). Additional magnitudes
(obtained via unfiltered CCD unless otherwise noted) for the new
variable: 1995 June 4, [18.0 (Digitized Sky Survey, red plate; via
Nishiyama and Kabashima); 2010 Apr. 23.786, [12.9 (Nishiyama and
Kabashima); 24.74, [10.2: (Y. Sakurai, Mito, Ibaraki-ken, Japan);
24.757, [13.2 (Nishiyama and Kabashima); 25.734, 8.8 (Sakurai;
measured by S. Nakano, Sumoto, Japan; independent discovery);
25.738, 8.8 (T. Kojima, Tsumagoi, Agatsuma-gun, Gunma-ken, Japan;
measured by Nakano; independent discovery); 25.763, 8.3 (H.
Nishimura, Miyawaki, Kakegawa, Shizuoka-ken, Japan, via Nakano;
independent discovery); 26.307, V = 8.55 (S. Kiyota, Tsukuba,
Japan, 30-cm reflector; position end figures 13s.22, 46".8);
26.308, R_c = 7.75 (Kiyota); 26.309, I_c = 6.92 (Kiyota); 26.310, B
= 10.18 (Kiyota); 26.4, about 8.2 (E. Guido and G. Sostero; 0.25-m
reflector; position end figures 13s.17, 47".8); 27.21, 10.3 (H.
Koberger and W. Vollmann, 0.6-m reflector at Tenerife; position end
figures 13s.16, 46".9); 29.680, I_c = 8.77 (H. Maehara, Kwasan
Observatory); 29.681, R_c = 9.45 (Maehara); 29.683, V = 11.21
(Maehara); 29.685, B = 12.03 (Maehara). Visual magnitude estimates:
Apr. 27.154 UT, 11.0 (A. Amorim, Florianopolis, Brazil); May 2.010,
11.9 (Amorim); 4.424, 12.9 (M. Linnolt, Ocean View, HI, U.S.A., via
the AAVSO). Maehara's spectrogram from Apr. 29.704 UT (25-cm
telescope) shows H_alpha and H_beta emission lines with a FWMH of
4000 km/s. Additional details appear also on CBET 2265. E.
Kazarovets, Russian Academy of Sciences, writes that the GCVS
designation V1311 Sco has been assigned to this nova.
K. Kinugasa, H. Takahashi, and O. Hashimoto, Gunma
Astronomical Observatory (GAO), write that a low-dispersion
spectrum (range 420-850 nm, resolution about 500) of this object,
taken on Apr. 29.745 UT with the GAO 1.5-m telescope (+ GLOWS),
shows broad (FWHM about 4000 km/s) Balmer and O I (777.4-, 822.7-,
and 844.6-nm) emission lines. Both H_alpha and H_beta have
asymmetric line profiles with a blue peak. Several emission lines
of He I and N II are also seen. The features indicate that the
object is a He/N nova in a declining phase. Their spectrum can be
viewed at the following website URL: http://tinyurl.com/37r6yhj.

2010 May 4 (9142) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 05/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 17 июн 2010, 11:59

8 May 2010
IAU Circular No.9144


An object with slight cometary appearance was discovered by J.
V. Scotti on images obtained with the Spacewatch 0.9-m reflector at
Kitt Peak (discovery observation tabulated below). Scotti notes
that co-added images taken on Apr. 22 with the 1.8-m Spacewatch
reflector consistently show a faint extension about 5" in p.a. 287
deg; the very subtle feature is visible on all three images.
Images taken on May 3 and 4 with the 1.8-m telescope show the
object to be slightly softer and slightly larger than stars of
similar brightness. R-band images taken by W. H. Ryan and E. V.
Ryan with the Magdalena Ridge 2.4-m reflector on May 8.2 show a
"fuzzy" object of mag 20 with its FWHM significantly greater than
those of nearby field stars.

2010 UT R.A. (2000) Decl. Mag. Observer
Apr. 21.15333 13 09 46.19 - 5 57 06.5 20.7 Scotti

The available astrometry (including prediscovery Spacewatch images
from Mar. 18 and Mt. Lemmon images from Mar. 21 and Apr. 10,
identified by T. Spahr, Minor Planet Center), the following
elliptical orbital elements, and an ephemeris appear on MPEC

T = 2010 Apr. 11.295 TT Peri. = 174.673
e = 0.15594 Node = 24.896 2000.0
q = 6.02769 AU Incl. = 14.096
a = 7.14129 AU n = 0.051646 P = 19.08 years

COMET P/1999 J6 = 2004 V9 = 2010 H3 (SOHO)

Further to IAUC 9138, additional astrometry from STEREO-SECCHI
HI1-A images on Apr. 20-22 appears on MPEC 2010-J28, where B. G.
Marsden also presents a non-gravitational three-apparition orbital
linkage (in partial collaboration with R. Kracht) from 255
observations spanning 1999-2010 (mean residual 17".4; A_1 = +0.31,
A_2 = -0.1892) including the following elements for epoch 2010 May
4.0 TT: T = 2010 Apr. 19.8921 TT, q = 0.047573 AU, e = 0.984616,
Peri. = 24.8606 deg, Node = 78.3483 deg, i = 23.8790 deg (equinox
2000.0), P = 5.44 years. The object passed 0.014 AU from the moon
on 1999 June 12.09, 0.013 AU from the earth on 1999 June 12.19, and
1.16 AU from Jupiter on 2008 June 24; a moderately close approach
to the earth of 0.32 AU occurs on 2010 May 29. MPEC 2010-J28
includes an ephemeris (estimated uncertainty about 1') in the hope
that the comet might be observable around mag 20-21 (brightness
highly uncertain) in the next couple of months as it approaches
opposition in mid-June.

2010 May 8 (9144) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 05/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 17 июн 2010, 11:59

9 May 2010
IAU Circular No.9145


R. H. McNaught reports his discovery of a comet (discovery
observation tabulated below) on CCD images taken with the 0.5-m
Uppsala Schmidt telescope at Siding Spring, noting the object to be
slightly diffuse with a circular coma of diameter about 10" and no
tail. After posting on the Minor Planet Center's 'NEOCP' webpage,
other CCD astrometrists have commented on the object's cometary
appearance. S. Foglia writes that thirty stacked 60-s unfiltered
exposures taken by R. Holmes (Ashmore, IL, U.S.A.) with a 0.61-m
telescope on May 9.4 UT show a diffuse coma nearly 10" in diameter;
Foglia adds that eight stacked 120-s images taken by P. Concari, G.
Galli, M. Tombelli, and himself remotely with a 0.18-m reflector
located at the Tzec Maun Observatory (Moorook, Australia) on May
9.7 also show a diffuse coma of size about 10". R-band frames
taken by W. H. Ryan and E. V. Ryan with the Magdalena Ridge
Observatory 2.4-m reflector on May 9.44-9.46 show a coma with a
distinct tail in p.a. about 190 deg. H. Sato (Ota-ku, Tokyo, Japan)
finds a condensed coma 10" in diameter on images taken remotely on
May 9.45 with a 0.25-m reflector at the RAS Observatory, Mayhill,
NM, U.S.A. A. C. Gilmore and P. M. Kilmartin obtained 120-s
exposures on May 9.6 with the Mt. John 1.0-m f/7.7 reflector that
show a starlike head and a 15" tail in p.a. 180 deg. R. Ligustri
(Talmassons, Udine, Italy; remotely using a 0.40-m f/9 reflector of
the RAS Observatory, Moorook, on May 9.8) reports that eight
stacked 180-s exposures show a 15" coma elongated toward p.a. 195

2010 UT R.A. (2000) Decl. Mag. Observer
May 8.75196 22 07 37.15 -12 34 34.4 17.5 McNaught

The available astrometry, the following very preliminary parabolic
orbital elements, and an ephemeris appear on MPEC 2010-J59.

T = 2010 Apr. 6.273 TT Peri. = 351.698
Node = 312.070 2000.0
q = 3.42754 AU Incl. = 124.034


Additional astrometry shows that this comet (cf. IAUC 9139) is
of short period; elliptical orbital elements from MPEC 2010-J52: T
= 2010 June 27.801 TT, q = 4.82153 AU, e = 0.27202, Peri. = 180.593
deg, Node = 44.851 deg, i = 2.313 deg (equinox 2000.0), P = 17.05

2010 May 9 (9145) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 05/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 17 июн 2010, 11:59

13 May 2010
IAU Circular No.9146


R. S. McMillan, University of Arizona, reports his discovery
of a comet with a short tail toward p.a. 260 deg on CCD mosaic
images taken in poor seeing with the Spacewatch 0.9-m f/3 reflector
at Kitt Peak (discovery observation tabulated below). Follow-up
observations by McMillan with the Spacewatch 1.8-m f/2.7 reflector
on May 12.29 UT in good seeing show a tail spanning 10 degrees in
position angle and 30" long in p.a. 265 deg; additional images by
T. H. Bressi with the same instrument on May 13.3 show a tail at
least 50" long in p.a. 265 deg. Following posting on the Minor
Planet Center's 'NEOCP' webpage, numerous other CCD astrometrists
have commented on the object's cometary appearance, with the
following coma diameters and tail lengths measured: May 12.4,
about 12", about 20" in p.a. 265 deg (G. Sostero, E. Guido, L.
Donato, and V. Gonano, remotely with a 0.18-m refractor at Tzec
Maun Observatory near Mayhill, NM, U.S.A.; compact coma with a
sharp central condensation and a broad tail); May 12.41, 11", - (D.
Balam, Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, 1.82-m Plaskett
telescope + Gunn g filter; well-condensed); May 12.4, 6" (H. Sato,
Ota-ku, Tokyo, Japan; remotely from the RAS Observatory, Mayhill,
0.30-m reflector; very condensed); May 12.4, about 8", - (P.
Concari, S. Foglia, G. Galli, and M. Tombelli, 0.36-m reflector at
Tzec Maun Observatory, Cloudcroft, NM, U.S.A.); May 12.5, -, 20" in
p.a. 260 deg (J. Cave and R. Miles, 2.0-m f/10 'Faulkes Telescope
South', Siding Spring; weak tail); May 12.6, 20", p.a. 270 deg (R.
Ligustri, remotely with an RAS Observatory 0.40-m reflector at
Moorook; elongated coma); May 12.9, 0'.15, 0'.7 in p.a. 270 deg (A.
Novichonok, Kondopoga, Russia, and D. Chestnov, Saransk, Russia,
from images taken remotely by T. Kryachko, Moscow, with a 0.3-m
reflector at Zelenchukskaya Station; round, condensed coma with a
central, nearly-stellar condensation and a wide, faint tail); May
13.26, -, 20"-25" in p.a. 245 deg (P. Camilleri, remotely with a
Tzec Maun 0.35-m reflector near Cloudcroft); May 13.2, 10", - (T.
Yusa, Osaki, Japan; remotely with an RAS Observatory 0.25-m
reflector near Mayhill; condensed coma and a faint tail toward the
west); May 13.3, 10", 25" in p.a. 250 deg (Sato, 0.25-m reflector;
faint tail).

2010 UT R.A. (2000) Decl. Mag. Observer
May 12.20581 15 35 21.16 - 1 11 08.9 17.8 McMillan

The available astrometry, the preliminary parabolic orbital
elements by B. G. Marsden (T = 2010 Sept. 28.304 TT, q = 2.21022
AU, Peri. = 180.617 deg, Node = 101.173 deg, i = 14.487 deg,
equinox 2000.0), and an ephemeris appear on MPEC 2010-J80.

T = 2010 Sept.28.304 TT Peri. = 180.617
Node = 101.173 2000.0
q = 2.21022 AU Incl. = 14.487

2010 May 13 (9146) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 05/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 17 июн 2010, 12:00

13 May 2010
IAU Circular No.9147

COMET C/2010 J4 (WISE)

A. Mainzer, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, reports the discovery
of a comet with a tail about 400" long in p.a. 141 deg on exposures
taken in all four wavelength bands (3.4, 4.6, 12, and 22 microns)
by the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) spacecraft; she
notes this to be the brightest of the comets discovered by WISE,
with a signal-to-noise ratio four times larger than that of P/2010
B2 (cf. IAUC 9115). After posting on the Minor Planet Center's
'NEOCP' webpage, D. Balam reports that a 15-min stacked exposure
taken on May 13.224 UT with the 1.82-m Plaskett telescope (+ Gunn r
filter) of the National Research Council of Canada reveals a well-
condensed nuclear condensation and a fan-shaped tail extending 50"
in p.a. 141 deg. P. Holvorcem writes that three co-added 300-s
exposures taken with the 0.81-m telescope at Tenagra Observatory
around May 13.29 shows a coma about 6" in diameter (mag 19.1-19.2)
and a straight, 25" tail toward p.a. 133 deg.

2010 UT R.A. (2000) Decl. Observer
May 12.24491 13 00 45.84 +65 19 03.2 WISE

The available astrometry, the following preliminary parabolic
orbital elements by B. G. Marsden, and an ephemeris appear on MPEC

T = 2010 May 3.289 TT Peri. = 84.477
Node = 316.997 2000.0
q = 1.08599 AU Incl. = 162.260


Elliptical orbital elements for this comet (cf. IAUC 9127) by
B. G. Marsden, from MPEC 2010-J83:

Epoch = 2009 Nov. 25.0 TT
T = 2009 Nov. 21.1344 TT Peri. = 147.8067
e = 0.843174 Node = 17.0820 2000.0
q = 3.888397 AU Incl. = 18.9155
a = 24.794317 AU n = 0.0079832 P = 123.5 years

COMET P/2010 D2 (WISE)

Elliptical orbital elements for this comet (cf. IAUC 9121),
from MPEC 2010-G65: T = 2010 Mar. 4.3760 TT, q = 3.659931 AU, e =
0.454088, Peri. = 119.9462 deg, Node = 319.8111 deg, i = 57.1882
deg (equinox 2000.0), P = 17.4 years.

2010 May 13 (9147) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 05/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 17 июн 2010, 12:00

14 May 2010
IAU Circular No.9148

CONRAD M. BARDWELL (1926-2010)

It is with regret that we note the death earlier today of C. M.
Bardwell, who served as Assistant Director of the Central Bureau
during 1978-1989 (when he was also Associate Director of the Minor
Planet Center, where he worked from 1957 onwards, originally in


R. H. McNaught reports his discovery of a slightly diffuse
comet on CCD images taken with the 0.5-m Uppsala Schmidt telescope
at Siding Spring (discovery observation tabulated below); stacked
images taken in better seeing with the same telescope on May 13.63-
13.69 and 14.52-14.60 UT show the object to be diffuse with a tail
0'.3 toward the northwest and 0'.2 to the west, respectively.
After posting on the Minor Planet Center's 'NEOCP' webpage, H. Sato
(Ota-ku, Tokyo, Japan) used a 0.40-m f/9.1 reflector at the RAS
Observatory in Moorook, Australia, on May 14.6 to obtain CCD images
remotely that show a condensed coma 6" in diameter (total mag 18.6)
and an 18" in p.a. 275 deg. R. Ligustri (Talmassons, Udine, Italy)
also used the same instrument at Moorook remotely on May 14.7, in
which eight stacked 180-s images show a 15" coma of mag 18.4
elongated toward p.a. 280 deg.

2010 UT R.A. (2000) Decl. Mag. Observer
May 12.69553 16 18 00.54 -20 47 47.6 19.1 McNaught

The available astrometry, the following preliminary parabolic
orbital elements by B. G. Marsden, and an ephemeris appear on MPEC

T = 2011 June 20.010 TT Peri. = 295.683
Node = 64.818 2000.0
q = 1.35641 AU Incl. = 17.293

2010 GW_64

An apparently asteroidal object of mag 20.5-21 discovered by
the WISE satellite (cf. MPEC 2010-G109) has a retrograde orbit (T
= 2010 Apr. 12.896 TT, e = 0.96110, q = 3.71580 AU, i = 105.403
deg, equinox 2000.0).


Corrigendum. On IAUC 9143, lines 18-19, FOR p.a. 10-30 deg.
READ p.a. 150-170 deg.

2010 May 14 (9148) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 05/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 17 июн 2010, 12:01

21 May 2010
IAU Circular No.9149


J. V. Scotti, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, reports his
recovery of comet C/2003 UY_275 (cf. IAUC 8247) on CCD images
obtained with the Spacewatch 1.8-m f/2.7 reflector at Kitt Peak
(astrometry provided below). On May 20, the coma diameter was 6"
and a tail extended 0'.14 in p.a. 256 deg; on May 21, the object
was diffuse but near a bright star.

2010 UT R.A. (2000) Decl. Mag. Observer
May 20.44226 22 36 08.56 + 7 41 09.8 21.5 Scotti
20.44954 22 36 09.26 + 7 41 17.6 21.2 "
20.45783 22 36 10.11 + 7 41 26.1 21.3 "
21.44995 22 37 53.06 + 7 58 56.2 "
21.45713 22 37 53.81 + 7 59 02.3 "
21.46433 22 37 54.53 + 7 59 11.8 "

The indicated correction to the orbit on MPC 59600 is Delta(T) =
-0.70 day. Orbital elements by B. G. Marsden from 93 observations,

Epoch = 2003 July 20.0 TT
T = 2003 July 2.0832 TT Peri. = 119.3826
e = 0.508747 Node = 245.7524 2000.0
q = 1.831682 AU Incl. = 16.3306
a = 3.728591 AU n = 0.1368948 P = 7.20 years

Epoch = 2010 Sept. 1.0 TT
T = 2010 Sept. 8.8213 TT Peri. = 119.3369
e = 0.509100 Node = 245.6704 2000.0
q = 1.831352 AU Incl. = 16.3321
a = 3.730598 AU n = 0.1367843 P = 7.21 years

COMET P/2010 J3 = 2010 CG_6 (McMILLAN)

February observations from the WISE spacecraft of this object
(cf. IAUC 9146) have been identified by B. G. Marsden, leading to
the following improved elliptical orbital elements (from MPEC

Epoch = 2010 Sept. 1.0 TT
T = 2010 Aug. 23.5692 TT Peri. = 157.3575
e = 0.727177 Node = 106.6580 2000.0
q = 2.454691 AU Incl. = 13.2559
a = 8.997373 AU n = 0.0365200 P = 26.99 years

2010 May 21 (9149) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп


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