IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 03/2010

IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 03/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 23 апр 2010, 14:35

1 March 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2190

APPARENT NOVA IN M31: M31N 2010-02a

Kamil Hornoch, Ondrejov Observatory, reports the discovery by P.
Hornochova and himself of a fairly bright apparent nova in M31 on co-added
1080-s and 900-s R-band CCD frames taken with the 0.65-m telescope at
Ondrejov on Feb. 27.749 and 27.763 UT, respectively; the new object,
designated M31N 2010-02a, is well visible on single images used for each
co-added frame. The apparent nova is located at R.A. = 0h42m36s.87, Decl. =
+41o15'29".6 (equinox 2000.0), which is 84" west and 39" south of the center
of the galaxy M31. Available R-band magnitudes for M31N 2010-02a: Jan.
31.838, [21.3 (P. Kubanek, N. Morales, J. L. Ortiz, J. Gorosabel, and M.
Jelinek, 1.23-m telescope at Calar Alto); Feb. 25.745, [20.1 (K. Hornoch,
0.65-m telescope at Ondrejov); 27.749, 15.54 +/- 0.09 (Hornoch and P.
Hornochova, 0.65-m telescope at Ondrejov); 27.763, 15.68 +/- 0.08 (Hornoch
and Hornochova). Also, nothing visible at this position on numerous
Lelekovice and Ondrejov images back to 2002.
Koichi Nishiyama, Kurume, Fukuoka-ken, Japan; and Fujio Kabashima,
Miyaki-cho, Saga-ken, Japan, report their independent discovery of M31N
2010-02a at mag 16.4 on seven 40-s unfiltered CCD frames (limiting magnitude
18.7) taken around Feb. 28.426 UT using a Meade 200R 0.40-m f/9.8 reflector
(+ SBIG STL1001E camera), providing position end figures 36s.82, 29".4 (and
offset 85" west and 39" south from the center of the galaxy), adding that
nothing is visible at this position on their past frames taken on Feb 21.433
and 23.432 (limiting magnitude 18.8) or on Digitized Sky Survey red and
infrared plates.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 March 1 (CBET 2190) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 03/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 23 апр 2010, 14:36

16 March 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2208

SUPERNOVAE 2009nt AND 2010am

Further to CBET 2156, A. J. Drake, S. G. Djorgovski, A. Mahabal, M. J.
Graham, and R. Williams, California Institute of Technology; J. L. Prieto,
Carnegie Observatories; M. Catelan, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile;
E. C. Beshore and S. M. Larson, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of
Arizona; and E. Christensen, Gemini Observatory, report the CRTS discovery of
an apparent supernova in unfiltered Catalina Sky Survey images:

SN 2010 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. Mag. Offset
2010am Mar. 12.19 9 33 01.75 +15 49 08.8 17.8 5".2 W, 7".3 S

Further magnitude estimates for 2010am: 2009 Nov. 26, [19.5; 2010 Feb. 14.31
UT, 17.7; Mar. 4.26, 17.3.

Drake et al. add that, further to CBET 2131, spectroscopic observations
of 2009nt were taken with the Keck-I telescope (+ LRIS) on Jan. 7.33 UT.
Cross-correlation with a library of supernova spectra using the SNID code
indicates 2009nt to be a type-Ia supernova, most similar to SN 2003du at 52
days past maximum light. Narrow Balmer, O II, and O III lines from the host
galaxy show the supernova to be at redshift z = 0.10.

S. B. Cenko, B. E. Cobb, I. K. Kleiser, and A. V. Filippenko, University
of California, Berkeley, report that inspection of a CCD spectrum (range
350-1000 nm), obtained on Mar. 15 UT with the 3-m Shane reflector (+ Kast) at
Lick Observatory, shows that 2010am is a type-IIb supernova. Cross-correlation
with a library of supernova spectra using the "SuperNova IDentification" code
of Blondin and Tonry (2007, Ap.J. 666, 1024) indicates that the spectrum is
most similar to that of SN 1997dd near maximum brightness. Narrow emission
lines from the host galaxy or an underlying H II region are found at a
redshift of 0.020.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 March 16 (CBET 2208) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 03/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 23 апр 2010, 14:36

17 March 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2209

SUPERNOVA 2010aj IN MCG -01-32-35

S. B. Cenko, B. E. Cobb, I. K. Kleiser, and A. V. Filippenko, University
of California, Berkeley, report that inspection of a CCD spectrum (range
350-1000 nm), obtained on Mar. 15 UT with the 3-m Shane reflector (+ Kast) at
Lick Observatory, reveals that 2010aj (CBET 2201) has a strong blue continuum,
with broad absorption features that are indicative of a young type-II supernova.
Cross-correlation with SNID (cf. Blondin and Tonry 2007, Ap.J. 666, 1024)
indicates that SN 2010aj is most similar to the type-II-P supernova 2006bp near
maximum brightness.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 March 17 (CBET 2209) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 03/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 23 апр 2010, 14:36

18 March 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2210


Vishal Joshi, N. M. Ashok, and D. P. K. Banerjee, Physical Research
Laboratory (PRL), Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, report near-infrared J-, H-, and
K-band spectroscopy (range 1.08-2.35 microns) with the Mt. Abu 1.2-m telescope
(+ PRL Near Infrared NICMOS3 Imaging Spectrometer) of the recent outburst of
the symbiotic star V407 Cyg (cf. CBET 2199). The spectra, taken on Mar. 14.00
UT, show prominent H I emission lines of Paschen-beta and Paschen-gamma in the
J band, Brackett gamma in the K band, and other Brackett lines in the H band.
The O I line at 1.1288 microns is also seen, along with He I lines at 1.0830
and 2.0581 microns. The H I lines show the unusual structure of a sharp
component superposed on a much broader emission -- similar to the profiles of
the optical Balmer emission lines reported by Munari et al. on CBET 2204.
The addition of two Gaussian profiles, with 1820 km/s for the broad component
and 300 km/s for the narrow component, gives a reasonably good fit to the
observed Paschen-beta line profile. The relative peak intensities of the
narrow and broad components are in the ratio 1.36. However, the intrinsic
FWHM of the narrow component could be considerably lower after it is
deconvolved with the instrument profile.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 March 18 (CBET 2210) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 03/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 23 апр 2010, 14:37

20 March 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2211

SUPERNOVAE 2010an AND 2010ao

Further to CBET 2203, J. Rex, S. B. Cenko, W. Li, and A. V. Filippenko,
University of California, report the LOSS discovery of two apparent supernovae
on unfiltered KAIT images:

SN 2010 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. Mag. Offset
2010an Mar. 11.56 16 17 40.46 +35 00 10.1 17.0 1".3 W, 5".1 S
2010ao Mar. 18.46 13 43 40.99 +03 54 00.1 19.0 10".6 E, 12".8 N

Additional KAIT magnitudes for 2010an in NGC 6109: 2009 Sept. 11.14 UT,
[18.4; 2010 Mar. 19.51, 17.0. The type-Ia supernova 2003ia also appeared
in NGC 6109 (cf. IAUC 8201). Additional KAIT magnitudes for 2010ao in UGC
8686: a co-added image from exposures taken 2009 Feb. 8-2010 Mar. 7, [20.1;
2010 Mar. 19.37, 18.7.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 March 20 (CBET 2211) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 03/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 23 апр 2010, 14:38

20 March 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2212


Kamil Hornoch, Ondrejov Observatory, reports his discovery of another
apparent nova in the galaxy M31 made on a co-added 1740-s R-band CCD frame
taken with the 0.65-m telescope at Ondrejov on Mar. 17.765 UT; the new object
is visible on single images used for the co-added image, but it is not present
on numerous archival images taken at Lelekovice and Ondrejov back to 2002.
The new object is also visible on a pre-discovery R-band CCD frame taken by
Hornoch with the same instrumentation on Mar. 9.746. Designated M31N
2010-03b, the presumed nova is located at R.A. = 0h42m55s.87, Decl. =
+41o15'19".6 (equinox 2000.0), which is 130" east and 49" south of the center
of M31. R-band magnitudes measured by Hornoch for M31N 2010-03b: 2010 Jan.
31.838, [21.1 (P. Kubanek, N. Morales, J. L. Ortiz, J. Gorosabel, and M.
Jelinek, 1.23-m telescope at Calar Alto); Feb. 25.745, [20.0 (Hornoch, 0.65-m
telescope at Ondrejov); Mar. 7.773, [19.7 (P. Kusnirak, 0.65-m telescope at
Ondrejov); 9.746, 18.3 +/- 0.3 (Hornoch); 17.765, 16.9 +/- 0.1 (Hornoch);
18.763, 17.2 +/- 0.1 (Hornoch, M. Wolf, and P. Zasche, 0.65-m telescope at
Additional R-band magnitudes for M31N 2010-02a (cf. CBETs 2190 and 2192)
measured by Hornoch: Mar. 4.773 UT, 17.5 +/- 0.15 (Hornoch and Wolf, 0.65-m
telescope at Ondrejov); 7.773, 18.3 +/- 0.2 (Kusnirak); 9.749, 18.5 +/- 0.3
(Hornoch); 17.765, [19.1 (Hornoch).
Additional R-band magnitudes for M31N 2010-03a (cf. CBET 2192) measured
by Hornoch: Mar. 4.773 UT, 17.0 +/- 0.2 (Hornoch and Wolf); 7.773, 17.2 +/-
0.2 (Kusnirak); 9.749, 17.4 +/- 0.3 (Hornoch); 17.765, 17.5 +/- 0.2 (Hornoch);
18.763, 18.0 +/- 0.3 (Hornoch, Wolf, and Zasche, 0.65-m telescope at Ondrejov).

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 March 20 (CBET 2212) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 03/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 23 апр 2010, 14:38

20 March 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2213


E. Kankare and S. Mattila, Tuorla Observatory; S. Ryder, Anglo-Australian
Observatory; M. A. Perez-Torres, C. Romero-Canizales, and A. Alberdi,
Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia, CSIC; A. Alonso-Herrero and L. Colina,
Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC; A. Efstathiou, European
University of Cyprus; J. Kotilainen, Finnish Centre for Astronomy, European
Southern Observatory; and P. Vaisanen and Zara Randriamanakoto, South African
Astronomical Observatory, report the discovery of an apparent supernova on
near-infrared images of the luminous infrared galaxy IC 883 in the course of
their infrared search program (cf. CBETs 1392, 1569, 2145). The new object,
designated PSN K1002-1, was detected at a K-band magnitude of about 17.7 in
eleven images (spatial resolution FWHM about 0".1) obtained using NIRI and the
ALTAIR laser-guide-star adaptive-optics system on the Gemini-North Telescope
on 2010 Feb. 24.6 UT, via comparison with images obtained with the same
instrument on 2009 June 10.4. The new object is located 0".24 east and 0".29
south of the galaxy's K-band nucleus, at R.A = 13h20m35s.36, Decl. =
+34o08'22".2 (equinox 2000.0). Adopting a distance of 100 Mpc for IC 883 (z
= 0.023299; Rothberg and Joseph 2006, A.J. 131, 185; and H_o = 70 km/s/Mpc),
this corresponds to a projected distance of about 180 pc, which would make
this the closest supernova discovered yet in a luminous infrared galaxy
nucleus at infrared wavelengths. High spatial resolution follow-up
observations at infrared and radio wavelengths are encouraged. The new
source is measured to remain stationary with a precision of 0".02 in the
eleven 30-s Gemini exposures (spatial resolution FWHM about 0".1), with the
first and the last one separated by about 6 minutes. A variable foreground
star also provides a very improbable alternative explanation, given the small
field-of-view (22".5 x 22".5) of the Gemini frames and the fact no transient
source has been detected in this galaxy in the authors' previous five epochs
of Gemini imaging over a period of 22 months. Based on these arguments and
the fact that large numbers of core-collapse supernovae are expected in the
central few-hundred-parsec regions of luminous infrared galaxies as a result
of the large star-formation rates therein, they conclude that explanations
other than a supernova for this object are extremely unlikely.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 March 20 (CBET 2213) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 03/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 23 апр 2010, 14:39

20 March 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2214

SUPERNOVAE 2010ap, 2010aq, 2010ar

Further to CBET 2012, S. Valenti, M. Fraser, D. Young, K. Smith, and M.
T. Botticella, Queen's University, Belfast (QUB); R. Chornock, R. Foley, A.
Rest, and G. Narayan, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA);
M. Huber, Johns Hopkins University (JHU); S. Smartt, QUB; J. Tonry and P. A.
Price, Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii; C. Stubbs, CfA; A.
Riess, JHU; and W. M. Wood-Vasey, University of Pittsburgh, report the
discovery of three additional spectroscopically-confirmed supernovae in the
Pan-STARRs Medium Deep Survey. Spectra were obtained at the William Herschel
Telescope (+ ISIS; range 320-1000 nm) on Feb. 22.12 UT for SN 2010ar
(= PS1-1000022), on Feb. 23.06 for SN 2010aq (= PS1-1000026), and on Feb.
23.16 for SN 2010ap (= PS1-1000031).

SN 2010 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. Mag. Type z
2010ap Feb. 12.4 8 36 12.606 +44 00 25.51 20.4 Ia 0.14
2010aq Feb. 15.4 10 02 09.744 + 1 14 00.92 21.0 IIP 0.088
2010ar Feb. 15.4 10 03 26.060 + 1 01 46.20 19.2 Ia 0.09

SN 2010ar is located 3".58 east and 2".79 north of the center of its host
galaxy; SN 2010aq is located < 0".1 east and 0".3 north of the center of
its host galaxy. The spectra were compared with a library of supernova
spectra using the "GELATO" code (Harutyunyan et al. 2008, A.Ap. 488, 383).
For SN 2010ar, the spectrum closely matches that of the type-Ia supernova
2007ap (cf. CBETs 883, 887) around maximum light at redshift z = 0.09. For
SN 2010aq, the best match is found with the type-IIP supernova 2004et at
three days before maximum light; the redshift of SN 2010aq, measured from
the narrow Balmer emission lines of the host galaxy (SDSS J100209.73+011400.5),
is z = 0.088. For SN 2010ap, the spectrum is similar to that of the
type-Ia supernova 1989B (Barbon et al. 1990, A.Ap. 237, 79) at a redshift of
z = 0.14, two weeks after maximum light.
These discoveries were enabled using the PS1 System operated by the
PS1 Science Consortium (PS1SC) and its member institutions. The PS1
Surveys have been made possible through the combination of the Institute
for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii; The Pan-STARRS Project Office;
the Max-Planck Society and its participating institutes (the Max Planck
Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, and the Max Planck Institute for
Extraterrestial Physics, Garching); The Johns Hopkins University; the
University of Durham; the University of Edinburgh; the Queen's University
of Belfast; the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics; the Las
Cumbres Observatory Global Network; and the National Central University
of Taiwan. The staffs at the PS1 and Nordic Optical Telescope are
thanked for their assistance in obtaining these observations.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 March 20 (CBET 2214) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 03/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 23 апр 2010, 14:39

20 March 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2215

SUPERNOVA 2010as IN NGC 6000

J. Maza, M. Hamuy, R. Antezana, L. Gonzalez, P. Gonzalez, S. Silva, G.
Folatelli, R. Cartier, F. Forster, S. Marchi, and A. Rojas, Universidad de
Chile; G. Pignata and M. Cifuentes, Universidad Andres Bello; B. Conuel,
Wesleyan University; and D. Reichart, K. Ivarsen, J. Haislip, A. Crain, D.
Foster, M. Nysewander, and A. LaCluyze, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, on behalf of the CHASE project, report the discovery of an
apparent supernova (mag approximately 15.5 +/- 0.2) on an unfiltered image
taken on Mar. 19.22 UT with the 0.41-m 'PROMPT 1' telescope located at Cerro
Tololo. The new object, which is also present in an image taken on Mar.
20.16 at mag approximately 15.2, is located at R.A. = 15h49m49s.23 +/- 0".1,
Decl. = -29o23'09".7 +/- 0".1 (equinox 2000), which is about 3".1 west and
2".0 north of the center of the galaxy NGC 6000. Nothing is visible at this
position in archival images taken on Feb. 22.25 and Mar. 12.33 (limiting mag
17.5). NGC 6000 was also the host galaxy of the type-II supernova 2007ch
(cf. CBETs 961, 963).

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 March 20 (CBET 2215) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 03/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 23 апр 2010, 14:40

20 March 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2216

SUPERNOVA 2010at IN MCG +13-09-10

T. Orff reports the discovery by J. Newton and T. Puckett of an apparent
supernova (mag 17.2) on unfiltered CCD images (limiting mag 19.9) taken with a
0.60-m reflector at Ellijay, GA, U.S.A., on Mar. 19.27 UT in the course of
the Puckett Observatory Supernova Search. The new object, which was confirmed
at mag 17.1 on images (limiting mag 19.7) taken by Orff on Mar. 20.17 with a
0.60-m reflector at Ellijay, is located at R.A. = 12h04m59s.47, Decl. =
+76o07'52".3 (equinox 2000.0), which is 29".5 west and 7".5 south of the
center of MCG +13-09-10. Nothing is visible at this position on images taken
by Puckett on 2009 Dec. 29 (limiting mag 18.9).

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 March 20 (CBET 2216) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 03/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 23 апр 2010, 14:40

21 March 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2217

SUPERNOVA 2010au IN PGC 82347

R. Arbour, South Wonston, Hants, U.K., reports his discovery of an
apparent supernova (mag 16.7) on an unfiltered CCD images (limiting mag 18.8)
taken on Mar. 15.942 UT using a 0.4-m f/5 reflector (+ Starlight Xpress CCD
camera) in the course of his supernova patrol. The new object is located at
R.A. = 9h12m36s.39, Decl. = +34o51'17".0 (equinox 2000.0), which is 2".0
east and 1".0 south of the center of the galaxy PGC 82347. Nothing is
visible at this position on Palomar Sky Survey plates (via the Digitized Sky
Survey) from 1996 Apr. 15 (limiting blue mag 20.6) and 1998 Apr. 21 (limiting
red mag 19.1), or on Arbour's own image taken on 2010 Mar. 3 (limiting mag
19.0). After posting on the Central Bureau's unconfirmed-objects webpage,
D. Balam, D. Bohlender, E. Chisholm, and D. Monin report that observations
obtained on Mar. 19.16 with the 1.82-m Plaskett telescope (National Research
Council of Canada) confirm a new point source located 2" east and 1" south
of the core of the galaxy; differential magnitudes/colors (using SDSS
filters) of 2010au, using the reference star SDSS J091241.22+345239.8, are
as follows: g = 17.55 +/- 0.02, g-r = +0.21 +/- 0.04, r-i = -0.80 +/- 0.08.
Also, Arbour relays a report from W. Li (University of California) that a
follow-up image taken on Mar. 21.25 with the Katzman Automatic Imaging
Telescope at Lick Observatory yields mag about 18 and position end figures
36s.33, 16".8; Li adds that nothing is visible at this position on a Sloan
Digital Sky Survey image from 2002 Dec. 31 (limiting mag 22.0).

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 March 21 (CBET 2217) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 03/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 23 апр 2010, 14:41

23 March 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2218

SUPERNOVAE 2010av AND 2010aw

Further to CBET 2211, A. Narla, J. Rex, S. B. Cenko, W. Li, and A. V.
Filippenko, University of California, report the LOSS discovery of two
apparent supernovae on unfiltered KAIT images:

SN 2010 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. Mag. Offset
2010av Mar. 19.44 15 06 57.01 +56 30 27.8 17.9 18".6 E, 5".9 S
2010aw Mar. 19.54 17 16 12.28 +31 47 36.4 18.3 19".0 E, 3".1 N

Additional KAIT magnitudes for 2010av in IC 1099: 2010 Feb. 14.59 UT, [19.3;
Mar. 20.48, 17.9. Additional KAIT magnitudes for 2010aw in UGC 10781: a
co-added image from exposures taken during 2009 Sept. 4-Oct. 3, [19.5; 2010
Mar. 20.51, 18.1.
J. M. Silverman, I. K. W. Kleiser, A. J. L. Morton, and A. V. Filippenko,
University of California, Berkeley, report that inspection of CCD spectra
(range 340-1000 nm), obtained on Mar. 22 UT with the 3-m Shane reflector (+
Kast) at Lick Observatory, shows that 2010av is likely a type-Ib/c supernova.
Cross-correlation with a library of supernova spectra using the "SuperNova
IDentification" code (SNID; Blondin and Tonry 2007, Ap.J. 666, 1024) indicates
that 2010av is a few days past maximum light and that the most likely redshift
is about 0.04. However, narrow emission lines from the host galaxy are
present in the spectrum at redshift 0.029. SN 2010aw is a young type-II
supernova; the H-alpha emission greatly dominates over the absorption

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 March 23 (CBET 2218) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 03/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 23 апр 2010, 14:41

23 March 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2219


Filip Novoselnik reports the discovery of an apparent supernova (mag 17)
on three images (limiting magnitude about 20.0) taken on Mar. 15.1 UT with a
0.45-m f/2.8 telescope at Sagra mountain in southern Spain in the course of
the "La Sagra Sky Survey" (LSSS; team members including also Denis Vida,
Ivica Skokic, Robert Gregic, Salvador Sanchez, Jaime Nomen, Reiner Stoss,
Bill Yeung, Juan Rodriguez, and Miguel Hurtado). Stoss measures the position
of the new object as R.A. = 14h41m53s.42 +/- 0s.01, Decl. = +10o45'01".4 +/-
0".1 (equinox 2000.0), which is 6" east and 6" north of the nucleus of the
presumed host galaxy (which may be PGC 1383919). Nothing is present at this
position on a Digitized Sky Survey image from 1989 Mar. 31 (limiting red mag
22), on a Sloan Digital Sky Survey image from 2003 Apr. 25 (limiting
infrared mag 22.3), or on images from the NEAT survey. Stoss adds that
another LSSS image taken on Mar. 23.02 shows 2010ax at mag 18.0. After
a request from Stoss, A. Drake (California Institute of Technology) writes
that Catalina Sky Survey (CSS) images from Mar. 16.12 show 2010ax, noting
that it was not visible in CSS images from 2009 Aug. 1.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 March 23 (CBET 2219) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 03/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 23 апр 2010, 14:42

23 March 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2220

SUPERNOVA 2010al IN UGC 4286

M. Stritzinger, N. Morrell, and M. M. Phillips, on behalf of the Carnegie
Supernova Project, communicate that they have obtained a spectrum (range
350-920 nm) of 2010al (cf. CBET 2207) with the Du Pont Telescope (+ WFCCD)
at the Las Campanas Observatory on Mar. 20.1 UT. The spectrum shows He II, N
III, and H I emission lines at a redshift of z = 0.0161 superposed on a blue,
featureless continuum. The spectrum resembles the earliest-epoch spectrum
of SN 1983K (Niemela et al. 1985, Ap.J. 289, 52).
E. Cozzi, Mozzate, Italy, measures mag 16.5 and the following position
from an unfiltered CCD image taken on Mar. 15.886 UT with a 0.36-m reflector
(limiting mag 17.9): R.A. = 8h14m15s.92, Decl. = +18o26'17".4 (equinox
2000.0; uncertainty +/- 0".4).

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 March 23 (CBET 2220) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 03/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 23 апр 2010, 14:43

23 March 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2221

SUPERNOVA 2010as IN NGC 6000

M. Stritzinger, J. L. Prieto, and N. Morrell, Carnegie Observatories;
G. Folatelli, Universidad de Chile; and G. Pignata, Universidad Andres Bello,
on behalf of the Carnegie Supernova Project and the Millennium Center for
Supernova Science, communicate that they obtained optical spectra of 2010as
(cf. CBET 2215) on Mar. 20.1 and 22.1 UT with the Du Pont telescope (+ WFCCD),
and on Mar. 21.1 with the Gemini-South telescope (+ GMOS). The spectra
suggest that this object is a young type-Ib/c supernova, resembling supernova
2007Y (Stritzinger et al. 2009, Ap.J. 696, 713) at two weeks before maximum.
The spectra exhibit a number of strong and shallow features. Prevalent P-Cyg
absorption lines are present at 620 and 820 nm, which are attributed to
H-alpha and the Ca II triplet, respectively. Adopting a host-galaxy
recession velocity of 2193 km/s (Theureau et al. 1998, A.Ap. Suppl. 130, 333)
for the host galaxy (NGC 6000), H_alpha and the Ca II triplet are measured to
be blue-shifted in the first spectrum by roughly 16700 and 15600 km/s,
respectively. Strong multi-component Na I D interstellar absorption lines
are present in the spectra, indicative that this supernova suffers
considerable reddening.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 March 23 (CBET 2221) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 03/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 23 апр 2010, 14:43

23 March 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2222

SUPERNOVA 2010at IN MCG +13-09-10

Uday K. Gurugubelli, D. K. Sahu, G. C. Anupama, and P. Anto, Indian
Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, report that a low-resolution spectrum
(range 350-750 nm) of 2010at (cf. CBET 2216), obtained on Mar. 21.88 UT with
the Indian Astronomical Observatory's 2-m Himalayan Chandra Telescope (+
HFOSC), shows it to be a peculiar type-Ia supernova, a few days before
maximum light. Using the SNID code of Blondin and Tonry (2007, Ap.J. 666,
1024), the spectrum of 2010at is found to best match that of SN 2000cx at
about 2-3 days before maximum light. After correcting for the recession
velocity of the host galaxy, MCG +13-09-10 (12537 km/s; Emilio et al. 1999,
PASP 111, 438; via NED), the blueshift of the weak Si II 615.0-nm line
corresponds to a velocity of 11000 km/s.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 March 23 (CBET 2222) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 03/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 23 апр 2010, 14:44

23 March 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2223

SUPERNOVAE 2010an, 2010ao, 2010au, AND 2010al

J. M. Silverman, I. K. W. Kleiser, A. J. L. Morton, and A. V. Filippenko,
University of California, Berkeley, report that inspection of CCD spectra
(range 340-1000 nm), obtained on Mar. 22 UT with the 3-m Shane reflector (+
Kast) at Lick Observatory, shows that SN 2010an (CBET 2211) is a moderately
reddened, normal type-Ia supernova; after removal of the host-galaxy recession
velocity of 9000 km/s, determined from narrow absorption features, the
absorption minimum of the Si II 635.5-nm line is found to be blueshifted by
about 14500 km/s. Cross-correlation with a library of supernova spectra using
the "SuperNova IDentification" code (SNID; Blondin and Tonry 2007, Ap.J. 666,
1024) indicates that 2010an is a few days before maximum brightness; narrow
Na I D absorption is visible at the redshift of the host galaxy with an
equivalent width of about 0.13 nm.
SN 2010ao (CBET 2211) is also a normal type-Ia supernova; after removal
of the host-galaxy recession velocity of 6600 km/s, determined from narrow
emission features, the absorption minimum of the Si II 635.5-nm line is
found to be blueshifted by about 12700 km/s. SNID indicates that 2010ao is
about two days before maximum light.
SN 2010au (CBET 2217) is also a type-Ia supernova, possibly of the SN
1999aa variety (e.g., Li et al. 2001, Ap.J. 546, 734) within about two days
of maximum light, but the spectrum is noisy and heavily contaminated by
host-galaxy starlight; after removing the host-galaxy recession velocity of
18300 km/s, determined from narrow emission features, the absorption minimum
of the Si II 635.5-nm line is found to be blueshifted by about 10400 km/s.
The authors also confirm the findings by Cooke et al. (at website URL
http://www.astronomerstelegram.org/?read=2491) and by Stritzinger et al.
(CBET 2220) that 2010al (cf. CBET 2207) is a peculiar type-IIn supernova,
similar to SN 1998S (Leonard et al. 2000, Ap.J. 536, 239), possibly as early
as two weeks before maximum brightness according to SNID. The C III/N III
and He II emission lines, resembling those in Wolf-Rayet stars, are stronger
than the hydrogen Balmer emission lines. Also, some narrow absorption lines
are visible, probably indicating a slow circumstellar wind.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 March 23 (CBET 2223) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 03/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 23 апр 2010, 14:44

23 March 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2224


Further to CBET 2208, A. J. Drake, S. G. Djorgovski, A. Mahabal, M. J.
Graham, and R. Williams, California Institute of Technology; J. L. Prieto,
Carnegie Observatories; M. Catelan, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile;
E. C. Beshore and S. M. Larson, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of
Arizona; and E. Christensen, Gemini Observatory, report the CRTS discovery of
an apparent supernova in unfiltered Catalina Sky Survey (CSS) images:

SN 2010 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. Mag.
2010ay Mar. 17.38 12 35 27.19 +27 04 02.8 17.5

Further CSS magnitudes for 2010ay: Feb. 17.45 UT, [18.3; Mar. 5.45, 18.2.
The supernova is not resolved from the galaxy in CSS images (it is located
within an arcsecond of the host galaxy's center, perhaps slightly toward the
northwest); however, the object matches the star forming galaxy SDSS
J123527.19+270402.7 (the SDSS gunn magnitudes are u = 19.6, g = 19.0, r =
19.0, i = 18.7, z = 18.9, and the spectroscopic redshift is z = 0.067).
A. V. Filippenko, J. M. Silverman, I. K. W. Kleiser, and A. J. L.
Morton, University of California, Berkeley, report that inspection of CCD
spectra (range 340-1000 nm), obtained on Mar. 22 UT with the 3-m Shane
reflector (+ Kast) at Lick Observatory, shows that 2010ay is a broad-lined
type-Ic supernova similar to SN 1998bw (e.g., Patat et al. 2001, Ap.J. 555,
900), probably within a few days of maximum brightness. The redshift of the
host galaxy, determined from strong, narrow emission lines produced by H II
regions in the host galaxy, is 0.067, in agreement with the SDSS redshift
cited above. By far the most prominent feature is a very broad peak centered
roughly at rest wavelength 515 nm. Given that such supernovae are sometimes
associated with long-duration gamma-ray bursts (e.g., Woosley and Bloom 2006,
ARAA 44, 507), a search for a possibly corresponding GRB in the weeks prior
to discovery (Mar. 17) should be conducted. Further observations of the
supernova are encouraged.
J. Prieto, Carnegie Observatories, reports on a low-resolution spectrum
(range 350-950 nm; resolution 0.3 nm) and images of 2010ay obtained with the
du Pont 2.5-m telescope (+ WFCCD) at Las Campanas Observatory on Mar. 22.2 UT.
The spectrum shows very broad spectral features characteristic of broad-line
type-Ic supernovae around maximum light, confirming the classification by
Filippenko et al., above. The Si II 635.5-nm absorption feature is detected
in the supernova spectrum with a blueshifted velocity of 22600 km/s after
correcting for the host-galaxy redshift. The spectrum is contaminated by
strong, nebular emission lines ([O II], [O III], [N II] and the Balmer series)
from the blue, star-forming dwarf host galaxy at z = 0.067, catalogued in the
Sloan Digital Sky Survey as SDSS J123527.19+270402.7. Prieto obtained almost-
simultaneous BVR photometry of the field with WFCCD. The magnitudes of the
source, which include both supernova and host-galaxy flux and were calibrated
using an SDSS star in the field, are B = 18.39, V = 17.61, R = 17.44
(uncertainty +/- 0.05 mag). After correcting for the distance modulus (mu
= 37.4 mag for standard cosmology) and the estimated contamination from the
host flux estimated from SDSS photometry (V = 19.0), an absolute magnitude of
the supernova of Mv = -19.4 was obtained for 2010ay. This potentially makes
it one of the most luminous broad-line type-Ic supernovae (see, e.g., Young
et al. 2010, http://arxiv.org/abs/0910.2248; A.Ap., in press). The luminous
nature of the event and star-forming dwarf host makes 2010ay an interesting
target to search for radio emission, as was seen at late times in the broad-
lined type-Ic supernova 2007bg (Prieto et al. 2009, posted at website URL

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 March 23 (CBET 2224) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 03/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 23 апр 2010, 14:45

23 March 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2225

SUPERNOVAE 2010az AND 2010ba

Further to CBET 2224, M. Catelan, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de
Chile; A. J. Drake, S. G. Djorgovski, A. Mahabal, M. J. Graham, and R.
Williams, California Institute of Technology; J. L. Prieto, Carnegie
Observatories; E. C. Beshore and S. M. Larson, Lunar and Planetary Laboratory,
University of Arizona; and E. Christensen, Gemini Observatory, report the
CRTS discovery of two apparent supernovae in unfiltered Catalina Sky Survey
(CSS) images:

SN 2010 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. Mag. Offset
2010az Feb. 16.48 12 56 59.62 -17 37 35.5 17.7 3".9 W, 12".6 N
2010ba Mar. 21.33 11 58 20.68 +15 20 10.8 15.2 1".1 W, 1".3 S

Nothing is visible at the position of 2010az on a CSS image from 2009 Apr.
18.27 (limiting mag 19.5). A spectrogram (range 380-920 nm) of 2010az was
obtained with the SMARTS 1.5-m telescope (+ RCspec) on Mar. 23.28 UT.
Cross-correlation with a library of supernova spectra using the "Supernova
Identification" code (Blondin and Tonry 2007, Ap.J. 666, 1024) indicates
that 2010az is most similar to the type-Ia supernova 1999ee at 41 days past
maximum at z = 0.044. This is in excellent agreement with the host-galaxy
redshift of 0.044 (Tustin et al. 2001, A.J. 122, 1289).
The host galaxy of 2010ba, SDSS J115820.75+152012.1, has Gunn magnitudes
g = 18.6, r = 18.1, and i = 17.9; the supernova is unresolved from the galaxy
in CSS images. Further CSS magnitudes (supernova + host galaxy) for 2010ba:
Feb. 14.34, 17.9; 19.40, 18.0; Mar. 5.31, 17.7; 13.26, 15.8.
M. L. Graham, A. J. Maxwell, C. J. Pritchet, A. Parker, S. Sadavoy,
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Victoria; and D. D. Balam,
Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, National Research Council of Canada,
report that a spectrogram (range 390-703 nm, resolution 0.3 nm) of 2010ba,
obtained on Mar. 23.28 with the 1.82-m Plaskett Telescope of the National
Research Council of Canada, shows it to be a type-Ia supernova several days
before maximum light. Cross-correlation with a library of supernova spectra
using the "Supernova Identification" code (Blondin and Tonry 2007, Ap.J. 666,
1024) indicates that 2010ba is most similar to the type-Ia supernova 2002bo
at 3 days pre-maximum.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 March 23 (CBET 2225) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп

Re: IAU Circulars (IAUCs) - циркуляры МАС - 03/2010

Сообщение Tikhon » 23 апр 2010, 14:45

23 March 2010
IAU Electronic Telegram No.2226

SUPERNOVAE 2010aq, 2010ar, AND 2010bb-2010bg

Further to CBET 2214, E. Kankare, Nordic Optical Telescope and Queen's
University, Belfast (QUB); A. Pastorello and S. Valenti, QUB; S. Mattila,
Tuorla Observatory and QUB; R. Chornock, R. Foley, A. Rest, and G. Narayan,
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA); M. Huber, Johns Hopkins
University (JHU); D. Young, K. Smith, and S. Smartt, QUB; J. Tonry and P. A.
Price, Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii; C. Stubbs, CfA; A.
Riess, JHU; W. M. Wood-Vasey, University of Pittsburgh; and E. Berger, CfA,
report the discovery of an additional six spectroscopically-confirmed
supernovae in the Pan-STARRS1 (PS1) Medium Deep Survey. Spectroscopic
classifications were obtained using low-resolution spectra obtained with the
Nordic Optical Telescope (+ ALFOSC; range 320-910 nm) on Jan. 21-22 for
2010bb (PS1-1000018), 2010bd (PS1-1000017), and 2010be (PS1-1000021), on
Feb. 6 for 2010bc (PS1-1000032), and on Mar. 8 for 2010bf (PS1-1000034) and
2010bg (PS1-1000033). The discovery dates and magnitudes at that time are
tabulated below.

SN 2010 UT R.A. (2000.0) Decl. Mag. Offset z
2010bb Jan. 16.6 10 44 38.217 +57 48 40.08 20.4 0".1 W 0.118
2010bc Jan. 16.6 10 48 07.057 +56 51 00.44 22.5 0".1 E, 0".4 S 0.244
2010bd Jan. 16.6 12 19 37.532 +46 01 55.98 22.7 1".0 W, 1".0 S 0.057
2010be Jan. 19.2 2 19 46.550 -03 12 10.51 20.2 0".1 E, 0".2 S 0.183
2010bf Feb. 24.4 10 48 15.786 +57 24 19.47 20.2 0".5 N 0.074
2010bg Feb. 24.5 10 57 41.253 +57 36 47.90 20.4 0".2 W, 0".4 S 0.081

Additional magnitudes: 2010bc, Jan. 17.5, 22.1; 2010bd, Jan. 13.6, 22.1;
2010bg, Feb. 25.5, 20.1. The redshifts of 2010bb and 2010be were
determined from the host galaxy Ca II H and K and Na I D interstellar
absorption lines, and the redshift for 2010bf from the narrow emission lines
of the host galaxy. For 2010bc, a redshift of 0.244 was determined from host-
galaxy emission lines using a spectrum obtained on Mar. 13 using GMOS on the
Gemini-North telescope (P.I. Berger). The redshifts for 2010bd and 2010bg
are the spectroscopic redshifts of their host galaxies (SDSS
J121937.40+460156.8 and SDSS J105741.30+573648.4). According to the relation
of Turatto et al. (2002, http://lanl.arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0211219), the Na I
D lines indicate a reddening of E(B-V) around 0.39 and 0.43 for 2010bb and
2010be, respectively; comparison of their de-reddened spectra with a library
of supernova spectra using the "GELATO" code (Harutyunyan et al. 2008, A.Ap.
488, 383) yields the best match for both with the spectra of type-Ia
supernovae slightly before or around maximum light. For 2010bd, a match is
found with a type-II supernova at a few weeks after the explosion; for
2010bc, with a type-Ia supernova at two weeks past maximum; and for 2010bg,
with a type-Ia supernova around the maximum light. The spectrum of 2010bf is
found to be similar to type-Ic-supernova spectra around maximum light.
Regarding CBET 2214, Valenti reports that SNe 2010aq and 2010ar also
were initially discovered on images from Feb. 12.4, when they were at mag
21.7 and 19.3, respectively; the magnitudes tabulated there for Feb. 15.4
are correct.

NOTE: These 'Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams' are sometimes
superseded by text appearing later in the printed IAU Circulars.

2010 March 23 (CBET 2226) Daniel W. E. Green
Модератор Астрономического Форума ASTROTALK
Аватара пользователя
Модератор форума
Сообщения: 2792
Зарегистрирован: 20 окт 2008, 18:54
Оборудование для наблюдений: Телескоп


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